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Pictures December 2004

Before Christmas the parishioners of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Church went to Pahokee, Florida to venerate Our Lady of Bethlehem icon.  This 17th century miraculous icon once owned by the Czar of Russia ended up in Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Pahokee, Florida.  To learn more about this icon please visit: Our Lady of Bethlehem another write up can be found here: WHDH News

After venerating the miraculous icon Father Michael celebrated Divine Liturgy.  The parishioners donated toys and clothing to the Church to hand out to the needy immigrant parishioners of Saint Mary’s.  After visiting the Church the parishioners of Sts. Cyril and Methodius stop by to have lunch with Father John Mericantante, the parish priest of Saint Mary’s.

Here are a few of the pictures of that event along with pictures of the miraculous icon: