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Martha's 95th Birthday
Newest Parishioner Paige (Convert) May 2008
Pentecost Sunday 2008
Mother's Day Brunch 2008
Video of Holy Week Services 2008

Palm Sunday 2008

Holy Thursday 2008 - Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great with Vespers for Holy Thursday commemorating the Last Supper


Good Friday 2008 - Vespers of Good Friday with candlelight procession with the "Burial Shroud", followed by the start of the "All-Night Vigil" at the Grave of Our Lord.

Easter Sunday 2008 - Divine Liturgy of Easter with Easter Brunch and Easter Egg Hunt.




Bible Seminar February 23, 2008 at St. Nicholas in Orlando, Florida

by Father John S. Custer, SSL, STD