I think that all Eastern Christians, Catholic and Orthodox alike know what the Panagia, Our Lady of the Sign, represents.It is the most beloved Theotokas among the Orthodox.
Our issue is with the style here and the slightly different symbology involved. A monstrance is not an appropriate means to make such a representation in the Christian East, that's my point.
To quote OrthodoxWiki:
"In iconography, Panagia is used in referring to icons of the Virgin Mary. Of the many icon examples of Panagia, one of note is that of the Theotokos wherein she faces the viewer directly, usually depicted full length, with her hands in theans position, and with a medallion showing the image of Christ as a child in front of her chest . The medallion symbolically represents Jesus within the womb of the Virgin Mary at the moment of the Incarnation.
This representation is also called the Virgin of the Sign or Our Lady of the Sign, a reference to Isaiah 7:14 ("Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel"). Such an image is often placed in the apse of Orthodox church buildings."