Note that these are the Transalpine Redemptorists [] , an SSPX-affiliated body, although the variety of material on the site can make it difficult to ascertain their status with clarity.
Many years,
"One day all our ethnic traits ... will have disappeared. Time itself is seeing to this. And so we can not think of our communities as ethnic parishes, ... unless we wish to assure the death of our community."
I used to think that the Papa Stronsay monks were Eastern Rite and very Orthodox actualy (those of the Eastern Rite actualy prserved Church Slavonic and Old Calendar). However I only heard Latin chants.
Originally posted by Mexican: I used to think that the Papa Stronsay monks were Eastern Rite and very Orthodox actually (those of the Eastern Rite actually preserved Church Slavonic and Old Calendar). However I only heard Latin chants.
Church Slavonic and the Julian Calendar are not guarantees of "orthodoxy". These monks advertise these things when defending 'tradition', with this 'tradition' being the heavily latinised Eastern Church of the late 1800s / early 1900s. I'd rather be an English-singing, Gregorian calendar Orthodox Christian in communion with Rome than a Church Slavonic-singing, Julian calendar Uniate.
I pray that the host and his cameraman come to the fullness of Faith. They certainly were touched at the end. Maybe the love shown to them by the monks will carry over and bring them into the Church. (I know that the monks have an irregular status.)
The Transalpine Redemptorists are followers of St. Alphonsus Ligouri (a Doctor of the RC Church) commonly known as the "Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (C.Ss.R.)." The Roman Catholic Church today identifies them as simply "Redemptorist's." I believe they are the only RC Congragation who has the largest abundant number of "Saint's" and "Blessed's" combined within their history.
Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer, C.SS.R., as a Priest of the Congregation, founded the Transalpine Redemptorists. He became their first Vicar General. There is abunt information within the Internet about him and his devotion to the C.Ss.R.'s.
In my younger years I had descerned a vocation and was a member (for a short while) within this RC Congregation of men. It was during the 2nd Vatican Council that I had seen many changes occur within the community where I was a member. The film you saw was the period (before the RC changes) of which I had experienced within my Redemptorist community. I charish those formation years as they have become a wonderful spiritual corner stone within my life.
I thank whoever brought the "Monks of Papa Stronsa" to the surface with that wonderful film!!
With most humility, Father Serge, I believe that young man from Virginia was a first year "Novice" as I heard someone say. The first "Novitiate year" is usually a year, but it could conclude several months after not going beyond two years. After which they take their Temporary Vows.
May God's Blessings Always be Abundant!
++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oblate of St. Benedict "FOLLOWING THE MASTER" ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Irregular or not, the video of these monks was much more edifying than the one of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal rapping with that �Catholic� Hip Hop band.
Originally posted by Mexican: I have a question. Is it me, or one of the monks had a komboskin� (or probably a western rosary) during mass? If it's the second thing, why would someone pray the rosary alone instead of participating in the liturgy?
Mexican - these monks are Schismatics using the Tridentine Mass all the time.
My understanding is that in this the Celebrant [ Fr Michael Mary ] Serves and his Servers/ Acolytes make any responses - the rest of the congregation play no active vocal part. Saying the Rosary during Mass because of this seems to be very common.
First: The Rosary is only recited as a "separate" devotion and "not" recited during the "Holy Eucharist." There is "no" rectitation of the Rosary during the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Rosary serves as an important part of the religious habit worn by all Redemptorists following the path of Jesus Christ throughout the world as was instituted by St. Alphonsus Liguori.
Secondly: Yes, the Mass is the "Tridentine Mass."
Thirdly: This religious community is following the example of St. Alphonsus Liguori, the founder of the "Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer." They all follow a "holy rule" that was written by St. Alphonsus, a Doctor of the RC Church.
My answers above are with reference to the previous postings as shown below:
Posted from: Our Lady's slave of love
quote:Originally posted by Mexican: I have a question. Is it me, or one of the monks had a komboskin� (or probably a western rosary) during mass? If it's the second thing, why would someone pray the rosary alone instead of participating in the liturgy?
Mexican - these monks are Schismatics using the Tridentine Mass all the time.
My understanding is that in this the Celebrant [ Fr Michael Mary ] Serves and his Servers/ Acolytes make any responses - the rest of the congregation play no active vocal part. Saying the Rosary during Mass because of this seems to be very common.
God's Blessings To You!
++++++++++++++++++++++++ Oblate of St. Benedict "FOLLOWING THE MASTER" ++++++++++++++++++++++++
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