I attended a one day retreat last week on The Jesus Prayer at Marywood Retreat and Conference Center (www.marywoodcenter.org [marywoodcenter.org]). It was excellent; there were about 16 people who attended. Introduced to some writings by Fr. George Maloney (Alone With The Alone, etc). Everyone was from a Roman Catholic parish (even the director). I looked over the upcoming schedule. There will be a week long iconography workshop taking place at the end of the month. Most (if not all) of those scheduled to lead retreats/conferences were Western Rite Catholic; I included, on the evaluation form a list of suggested speakers from Orthodox/Byzantine Church (I definitely included Fr. Thomas Loya!). There definitely is an interest in Eastern Orthodox/Catholic Church spirituality. An EC/EO leading a retreat on the Jesus Prayer - pretty radical, eh? smile

I mention this to encourage others to contact Retreat Centers in their areas and suggest Eastern Orthodox/Catholic speakers/retreat leaders.

In Christ's love,
