The Armenian and Assyrian Churches look Western to me, but both follow the DL of St. JC correct ? These are non-byz rite churches kind of like the Maronites correct ?
Those are non-Byzantine Churches, yes. All three actually, the Armenians the Assyrians and the Maronites.
And as such, none of them use the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
The Maronites are Western Syrian and use the Divine Liturgy of St. James (perhaps in a slightly different form of the one used by the Byzantines).
The Assyrians are Eastern Syrian and use several liturgies, I think. The most notorious is, as it was mentioned, the Anaphora of Sts. Addai and Mari.
The Armenians are not closely related to any other Liturgical family. The Armenian Liturgy is close to the earlier versions of the Liturgy of St. Basil, and Byzantines would recognize some of its elements, but it is still rather unique, and VERY beautiful.