Bless me a sinner, Father Joseph!
Bravo! Bravo!
When my uncle visited us while he was still an Orthodox priest, he came to my parents' house for dinner.
One aunt, staunchly ROMAN Catholic, began to argue with him about why he wasn't with the Underground Eastern Catholic Church and how he could serve in the Orthodox Church etc.
His answer? "Madame, our ancestors didn't build those great Churches and Cathedrals so they could stand there empty!"
When others began to attack the Patriarch of Moscow as a "KGB Agent" (it was the pontificate of the Moscow Patriarch before the current one), the Reverend Uncle replied:
"What nonsense are you saying? The man is a Doctor of Church Music. He's doing his best to do what he can. I served the Litury with him several times."
When some asked him about the Pope, he replied:
"I don't publicly teach that the Pope is the Head of the Church and I don't publicly teach that he isn't. All I know is that I have to look out for my own head . . ."
He then added, "You know, beloved, I listened to one of our Greek Catholic programs on the radio the other day - from Rome, I think it was. The priest was talking about the Procession of the Holy Spirit."
He then abruptly added: "Are you people crazy or something? I myself did a doctorate on the Procession of the Holy Spirit in Moscow (under communism)! You people are living in freedom! Why don't you talk, instead, about the ordeal of Believers behind the Iron Curtain! Why don't you talk about what we CANNOT talk about!"
He had quite a deep singing voice that was quite forceful when he was a bit angry.
I wished I had a voice like that . . .
[ 08-21-2002: Message edited by: Orthodox Catholic ]