My, you do have a vivid imagination. Let me know when you are back in the 'real world'
You have things backwards by brother.
I am the real world. My views are the 'average' for the members in my church, and in fact quite toned down due to the nature of this site. My view point is the 'real world' when it comes to 'Joe (or should I say Ivan) average' in Ukraine and the diaspora.
So you are going to create this super united Ukrainian Church and if both the (papal) Catholics and the Orthodox Catholics want to join, it will up to them. Is this new super church going to be another self created church based on Ukrainian nationalism rather than doctines and canons that you Ukrainians are so famous for?
When Grand Prince Volodymyr the Great stood in 988 on the banks of the river
Dnipro (by Kyiv) and baptised the peoples of Rus, he did so as their leader. The Kyivan Rusyns accepted this "self created" Orthodox Christianity as THE state religion. This very historic event was both very political and nationalistic yet seemed to enjoy the full suport of the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Pope of Rome.
In 1596 the Metropolitan of Kyiv and various bishops signed the Ruthenian Union of Brest with Rome. This also was very much a political and nationalistic event because it guaranteed Byzantine Ruthenian church autonomy within the Catholic fold.
The Muscovites could not accept this
fait accomplit of the 'Union of Brest' and began to immediately do all possible to absorb the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) church into their new super imperialistic Muscovite Orthodox Church. At the very same time the Poles tried to use the 'Union of Brest' to assimmilate the Rusyns (before they were known as Ukrainians) into the Polish Roman Catholic Church. Politics and nationalism have been used
for centuries by both of Ukraine's neighbors; Poland and Russia to absorb, assimmilate, and control the church and peoples of Ukraine. You seem to forget and / or ignore this.
The Unia has been declared a failed option by both the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Churches.
The Orthodox Churches will come to accept the amalgamated and soon to be largest such church in communion with both Rome and Constantinople. We heard the same dire threats about Ukraine's independance, yet when it happened in 1991 nation after nation immediately recognized Ukraine's sovereinty.
The Holy Father John Paul 2 has stated that "Kyiv is the cradle of (East - that one is for you Anton

)Slavic Christianity and at the same time has made it known that he wants to see a Kyivan Patriarchate.
Also, given the fact that the Latin Church of Rome has no illusions about converting the Eastern Slavs to their rite, or about every comming to so agreement on church unity with the yet to be de-stalinized Muscovite Orthodox Church, there is ample reason to believe that the 'Ukrainian Patriarchate option' may in fact be their best bet. Sure they would prefer that comrade Moscow Patriarch come to his senses, but will that ever happen ? (btw - the answer is; not in our grandchildren's lifetimes).
And its all based on outward appearances rather than the principles that identitfy what ones faith really is. Which is the Doctines they believe in and the Dogmas they proclaim.
The UGCC Metropolitan of Philadelphia just removed 'the creed'. Do you think that the millions of 'joe average' UGCC and 15 million UOC-KP, or even the UOC-MP adherants care ? (btw - da ansa iz NO !). The Greek-Catholics and Orthodox communities probably didn't even hear about it and would not know what to do or say if they did - are we ignoramusus ? - maybe - but we respect each other more than ever before and I bet Jesus prefers this to fighting over filioque, or creed, or jurisdiction, or yada yada yada.... We will do things backwards, or as the Ukrainians in the Carpathian mountains say -
po nashomu (our way

The Poles were so right in 1596 when they proclaimed 'As long as everything looks the same and sounds the same these Ukies will never know the difference!' Looks like after 400+ years they still don't know the difference based on what I read in some of the posts on this site.
The Poles never cared to create a Ukrainian (Ruthenian) 'Orthodox look' with a 'Catholic inside"

. That is the funniest thing you have ever posted. The Poles wanted to
completely assimmilate the Ruthenians (Ukrainians) into their Latin rite church and Polish culture and did everything possible to achieve this goal. (For more insigh into the Polish assimmilation techniques, please see the Holywood classic 'Taras Bulba' with Tony Curtis OR wait until next year when the French release their remake with Gerald Depardieu). The Poles achieved some success, for example the Holy Father's mother assimmilated into the Latin rite.
So this new version of Orthodoxy in Ukraine will come in various flavors united in Ukrainianism rather than doctrine? Sounds like Protestantism to me! Yea gads! No wonder neither the Pope or the Patriarch are ready to give you guys your own Patriarchate. First ya all have to learn what the church is and what its based upon. Which is Christ not Ukrainianism.
The Pope of Rome has recently stated that he greatly favours the establishment of a Kyivan Patriarchate. Also, the Patriarch of Constantinople has recently sent the USA Ukrainian Orthodox Archbishop to Kyiv to discuss the patriarchate issue. These would appear to be good signs that they both take this issue seriously. Ukrainians want one Orthodox Church in union with Rome and Constantinople.

Now compare that to the Muscovites who claim the whole world as their canon territory.

and want nothing to do with Rome

and perhaps some type of ambiguous control over Constantinople

Our Ukrainian identity is tighly bound to our Orthodox Christian Slavic heritage which was established for us by Grand Prince Volodymyr the Great in 988 and passed down through the generations. I'm not sure how different this to the Poles, Greeks, or.....
But I guess nothing surprises me after reading the comments made by various Ukrainians regarding a united Byzantine Catholic Church for the U.S. and Canada. Where you all proudly proclaim you would rather see your churches close and the remaining people go to the local RCC then become part of a united Byzantine Catholic Church so the money for the property could go back to Holy Ukraine rather to the Byzantines. How very, very, sad that whole thread was.
At no time would a Ukrainian Catholic or Orthodox bishop "proudly close" a church in the USA or Canada and forward the funds to Ukraine - at least that I'm aware of. The closing of a church is a deeply disturbing for any bishop and is only done when there is longer any hope to sustain the parish with the adequate clergy and financial resources to ensure that the parishoners are given proper pastoral care. The Roman Catholic Church is currently undergoing this painfull process all over the United States.
Once the Ukrainian bishops make the difficult decision to close a church, they sell church property to make better use the assets elsewhere in the eparchy. As a completely separate and unrelated project, they may collect money to send to Ukraine for a special need (ie; the Patriarchal Sobor) but this is always done through special funds collected for such matters. These types of episcopal financial decisions are congruent with other Apostolic and sectarian churches and not at all unique to the UGCC or UOC.
Ukrainian Americans and Canadians feel a special privelege in living here in this free and prosperous land, but at the same time have a deep commitment to re-establishing the church of their ancestors in Ukraine. Quote all you like from the bible, but somehow we doubt that Jesus thinks we are doing the wrong thing.
Over this past century. Ukrainians suffered and witnessed more death on their land than any neighboors I can think of.]
Then you don't read much history, do you?
Perhaps you should read 'History of Ukraine' by Dr Orest Subtelny, and then re-think your last statement. The Muscovite Orthodox Church must come to terms with the act of genocide against the Ukrainian peoples in 1932 - 1933 by the peoples of Russia. This act of hatred for Ukraine's self determination was deeply rooted long before the revolution.
There can be no "diaglogue of theologians" until the ROC come to terms with it's complicity in the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Since the church refuses to destalinize and continues to give awards to communists, then there is little chance that the ROC can have little place in the new supersized Ukrainian church.