Dear Friends,
Today I read an article at RISU that made me think. I would like to know the comments of our forum members on this issue.
Various Orthodox Looking For Alternative To Moscow
06.27.03 ( � Parishes of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (BAOC) intend to go under the jurisdiction of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP) in Russia. Archbishop Petro (Hushcha) of the BAOC has begun preliminary correspondence on the subject. Similar movements of Orthodox seeking alternative jurisdictional ties, separating from the Russian Orthodox Church, are also happening in Russia itself. The information agency �Ohliadach� (Observer) reported this information on 26 June 2003, citing the Moscow eparchy of the UOC-KP as a source.
�Ohliadach� mentions representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROC-OR) who are now in a crisis that divides supporters of the Moscow Patriarchate and its opponents, representatives of which have renewed contacts with the UOC-KP.
Archbishop Varnava (Prokofiev) of Kany and Europe, head of the ROC-OR, is leading this movement away from the Moscow Patriarchate. Archbishop Varnava in 1992 appealed in the name of the ROC-OR to the late Patriarch Volodymyr Romaniuk and his assistant, now Patriarch Filaret (Denysenko) of the UOC-KP, proposing the establishment of brotherly relations between the two churches.
For this act, the other Russian hierarchs censured Archbishop Varnava and he was forced to refuse open cooperation with the UOC-KP. On an unofficial level, however, relations have continued to the present.
With the secret blessing of Archbishop Varnava, Archimandrite Iosaf (Shybaiev), dean of the Russian parishes of the ROC-OR, went under the jurisdiction of the UOC-KP. The archimandrite then was ordained as bishop of Belgorod (Russia) and designated a permanent member of the Hierarchical Synod of the UOC-KP.
There are now three eparchies of the UOC-KP in Russia which, if new members continue to come over from the ROC-OR, might be separated into a separated Russian autonomous jurisdiction of the Kyivan Patriarchate.
The UOC-KP also has contacts with various branches of the True Orthodox Church (TOC) of Russia, in particular with Metropolitan Epyphanii Kaminskyi. The UOC-KP has also entered into liturgical union with the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and the old calendar TOC of Greece, which has given a whole church complex in Athens to the Kyivan Patriarchate.
With UOC-KP Patriarch Filaret and the Greek old calendar eparchies of the UOC-KP in the USA and Europe as intermediaries, a dialogue has begun with other Greek jurisdictions concerning the creation of a single old calendar TOC of Greece with extended autonomy as part of the Kyivan Patriarchate.
The Synod of the UOC-KP considers that all the grounds exist for the creation in the near future of a powerful Orthodox coalition alternative to the Moscow Patriarchate for the post-soviet horizon, and for world Orthodoxy in general.