Dear Krsto you said:
All heretics must return to the true orthodox faith and then the unity will be possible. Otherwise, no. We all have faults for division between East and West, because we are humans, but at least Orthodox Church preserved the TRUTH.
I say:
It all depends on what you consider the 'Truth'. Please explain yourself? As for me I consider the 'Truth' our Lord Jesus Christ. All who follow our Lord take part in the Truth as revealed by God, although some 'paths' to that revealed 'Truth' might be more full and complete, and some less complete.
The talks between the RCC and Orthodox are not to fully develop those 'Truths' which have already been developed, but rather to give deeper explanations for those 'Truths', which as yet have not been explained fully.
The way I see the problem is that the RCC, having a certain authority among it's followers, merely states certain positions and they are automatically accepted. Others though, that are not under direct authority of the Pope, question those positions and require some greater explanations.
As an example, I quoted in one of my posts certain revalations by Saint Gregory Palamas about our Theotokos. I had also read the same revelations by an RCC saint, yet had I not read St. Gregory Palamas, I would not have accepted those revealed by the RCC saint, simply because they were not as explanatory and therefore seemed to be over emphasizing our Theotokos' position in salvation.
By the same account, all the dogma's within the RCC must be explained more fully in order to be accepted by those not under the direct authority of the Pope.
You said:
There is no true love without the true faith and vice versa. Everything else is a pure sentimentalism
I say:
Yet we must judge the tree by the fruit it bears. By my observations, I have seen love not only in Pope John Paul II, who humbled himself to everyone for the sake of humanity, but in those little Evangelical women that sacrifice all for the unfortunate others. Also if there is so much love between the Orthodox, why do we have so many divisions...and bitter one's at that? Maybe something is missing...such as the first among equals?
I just want to give you a few things to love of course.

I am Orthodox you know.