Originally posted by Rum Orthodox:
Merry Christmas one and all,
I was wondering if the people in the West or western Christians have commingled the Feast of St. Nicholas with that of the Feast of the Nativity....... Even the word, "holiday", rather than holy day. Whose holiday, that of the secularized world or that of God Incarnate?! Am I the only one experiencing the holy day of the Nativity versus the holiday of Santa Claus?! Anyone care to reply?
Speaking very personally, I find myself in agreement with you. Yes there is commingling. As children if we were lucky the story of St Nicholas was explained, and his gifts, and we were told that they were put into the house by way of the chimney so he was not observed in this act of charity. From there of course, children were told that if they were good, Santa Claus would come down their chimney and leave presents for them . Later if children asked about Santa Claus the explanation was that if you say St Nicholas very quickly and repeat it many times it eventually comes out as Santa Claus. Then of course the image of the fat jovial old man was built up - Christmas is a time of joy after all - but the emphasis was on the present giving aspect NOT the Birth of Christ.
Here in our Parish[ again I am speaking as a Roman Catholic

] we are reminded very much that Christmas Day is a Holyday of Obligation - mind you whether that fact sinks in to 50% of the Parish or not I have no idea - sadly probably not. Actually I have just looked in my Sunday Missal and seen that it is shown as Christmas Day - Vigil Mass, Mass at Midnight, Mass at Dawn and Mass during the Day.That was a suprise, as my copy of the Liturgical Calendar does indeed show it as the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord.
Sadly this discussion is similar to one a while back [last month] when we commented about the importance/secularisation of the great Feasts of the Church and which was the greatest.
Having said that -- "A very happy Christmas"
May the Blessings of the Christ Child be upon you and those whom you love.
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Our Lady's slave of love ]
[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Our Lady's slave of love ]