It was totally beautiful, the music was awesome!
The Patriarch for the Maronites(forgive me I can't remember his name) celebrated with other bishops. The commnetator-translator was more on less blown away. The encore will be at 10PM Eastern time today.
Also, I was so excited, when they did the rosary for the selection of the pope on EWTN today, Mother Angelica led often as the decades were under way. Mother Superior would take back over to change mysteries, but then she would become silent and you could hear Mother leading. It was so wonderful.
That is really a miracle since her ability to speak had been lost. The part of the brain where speech is done was damaged during the last stroke and she had lost her ability to speak at all. Fr. Pacwa had said they were doing a new therapy that taught the brain to by-pass that part and reroute the speech. So it must be working. PRIASE THE LORD! After loosing JPII it is such a blessing to hear her voice once again, it was kind of like when Fr. Groschel was able to speak again after his accicent. Thank you Jesus for such wonderful miracles.
Pani Rose