The following is the first paragraph of a press release from the Philadelphia Archeparchy that I found today on the UGCC web site from L'viv:
"PHILADELPHIA, Pa.�Sunday, November 17th, will be an historic day in the life of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia as the spiritual head and father of the Ukrainian Catholic Church worldwide, Major Archbishop Lubomyr Husar prays with the clergy, religious and faithful during a pastoral visitation. Cardinal Husar will be the main celebrant and homilist at the 10:30 a.m. Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, which will be celebrated here in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 830 North Franklin Street. After the Divine Liturgy, a reception will follow in the cathedral social hall where all the faithful will have an opportunity to personally greet Cardinal Husar."
If they will let some of us scruffy non-Ukrainian Husar fans in, I may just come up from Houston to see him.