Originally posted by Elizabeth Maria:
Anyway they said that the early Church Fathers and the ancient church taught Reincarnation and Universalism.
Except for Tertullian and Origen, I was not aware of any other Church Fathers who taught unOrthodox things like that.
I would recommend obtaining a copy this book:
From Death to Life: The Christian Journey [
It is called "From Death to Life: The Christian Journey" By Christoph von Cardinal Schonborn. In this text he addresses the charge of reincarnation against Oriegen (it evidently originated (no pun intended) with a misreading by St. Jerome). He also addresses at length the notion of reincarnation and how it was regarded by the Fathers as completely antithetical to the Christian Gospel. (He notes that in the East, where it has much deeper roots, reincarnation is a cycle of punishment from which one should seek to be delivered - but in the West among New Age devotees it has been recast as a cycle of enlightenment and development.)
I cannot locate my copy of this text at the moment, otherwise I would share a few citations from the Fathers.
He also does a marvellous treatment of theosis which is well worth reading.
Definitely a must have for the library (and for reading!)!