Dear Chance�
We are touching upon a subject which is widely misunderstood, misused, seldom put into proper context, and misguided thoughts about it are held tightly like gold for them who hold them.
But that has seldom stopped me.
First off � (Step 26) the most important item to take with you from this chapter is these�
3. Discernment [of God�s Will] is [an] undefiled CONSCIENCE and purity of feelings [emotions].
6. After God, let us have our CONSCIENCE as our aim and rule [of conduct and discernment] in all things so that we may know which way the wind blows and set our sails accordingly.
Te Greek word for 'wind' and for 'spirit' is the same word so there is a play on words here that echos our Lord's own usuue of the play.
Now ...with these two ... Climacus said it all in a nut shell. Anything further is ancillary (something that is added but not essential).
If you want to knows God�s Will about any circumstance or situation you may be in - look into your own conscience.
�I myself will write my law ... with my own finger! Upon their hearts.� That is a paraphrase from the OT speaking about the �day� of the Lord. The time of Chritianity.
Well� the Lord came. So divination (used in OT days) and Pharisee and Deuteromic like adherence to the Law - is pass�.
It has always seemed very fitting to me, what Jesus answered to the Samaritan women. Here he and she were - at a time in which the OT church was split in schism (the Samaritan-Israel split from Judah-Jerusalem). It has always reminded me of the arguments of theology between the current divisions of His new churches� each had a temple and each thought themselves more orthodox than the other � and so she asked Him�
�Upon which mountain should we worship?� - the mount upon which the temple of Jerusalem stood - or the mountain upon which the temple of the Samaritans stood?
Which - church - is the true church? Which church is the more orthodox?
To which Jesus answered �The time is coming when those who are really worshiping God - will worship him in - spirit.� Of course that 'time' was initiated with his crucifixtion and resurrection. We are still - in that - time.
Now did that not ? put to rest the question �� which church?�
Let us now clear up the definition os a word. Spirit = mind and heart. The word �spirit� is the Greek word psychic ... which we all know to mean - mind.
Something of the spirit - is an experience of - the mind and not an expeience of the body. Nothing more compilated than that.
And the part of the mind by which we know - what God knows� is called � Conscience.
Con (together) and science (knowledge).
You and God knowing the same thing together.
These things are rather simple but through out the history of Christian spirituality you will find that those (writers and such) who are not really that close to a true spirituality - make it all very cerebral and difficult and complex and complicated - or - through a false piety - make it all seem mysterious and entirely to do with mysterious graces that we can not fully understand (as if the Lord had not already explained all this stuff already). This reminds me of the Exodus where they preferred the complex and spicy food of Egypt to the pure and simple taste of manna.
Climacus is very good. Some think that the writings of any early father are - good and valuable. Not all are. Some of the early writings are nothing more than vain publications of honey like piousness - meant to win the admiration of the population. Poetic manipulation of fine words that go in circles and really says nothing at all - even as well (piously and elegant) as it was all said. If you wish to have people admire you as intelligent of holy - dazzel them to befuddlement.
And so beware - of placing too much value in the writings of just - any - early fathers. Keep in mind that it was proliferation of just such opinions and writings (masquerading as the holy mind of the church) that caused so many early Councils to have been nessesary! to be held and - settle matters. Even if the majority of fathers held one such type of opinion - that was some times over-turned in Council. And so a majority consensus was nothing more than a majority consensus and the true mind of the church (Council result) may be something very different.
I am sure you know all that and I had no need to say it. It is just that reading the early fathers can be as difficult to make real sense out of as reading the bible without knowing the history if Israel, its culture, and traditions.
Climacus - was an abbot. I believe he was abbot of mount Athos - for a time. In any event (no matter where) his writings are from an experienced abbot - directed to - monks. Mostly to his own monks � especially novice ... but it would do future abbots well to read also.
And so his audience is monks (priests and brothers). Abbots (like Climacus) were not necessarily priests. Someone correct me but I do not think Climacus was a priest. So when he says �in confidence to the fathers or even the brothers � you should understand that �fathers� here means elders or the more experienced monks in the monastery. And so we also know by this that he is speaking to novices.
they should turn humbly and in confidence to the fathers or even the brothers and they should accept their counsel
And so the newbie who has become troublesomely perplexed about something should seek advise from and elder of the community (that is preferred) and if that is not available then seek advise from a brother (the same as you).
as though from God Himself, even when that counsel goes against the grain, even when the advice comes from those who do not seem very spiritual. God, after all, is not unjust. He will not lead astray the souls who, trusting and guileless, yield in lowliness to the advice and decision of their neighbor. Even if those consulted are stupid, God immaterially and invisibly speaks through them and anyone who faithfully submits to this norm will be filled with humility. If a man can express on a harp whatever ails him, surely a rational mind and a reasonable soul can provide better teaching than something inanimate.
Now within the community (Climacus� monastic community) all were sincere and of good heart. Climacus saw to that. Malcontents were sent on their way. And so all members had good intent - even if varied in experience and progress. I think few of us here live in a good monastic community and so we should not just seek advise from - anyone. Our neighbor in his community would be another elder or brother� our neighbor out here in the world could be a pedophile or serial killer or worst - a Republican! (perhaps a Democrat??!)
Note that Climacus prefers we get advise from someone who is well spiritual experienced. But not being able to do that - we (not living in his community) should seek advise from someone we trust has a good heart and good intentions. In other words - a trusted friend.
Now if you need to go to a priest� not all preist are experienced in spiritual growth - not all priests have a good level of sanctification. This is also true of bishops. It would be nice if they did� but throughout the history of the church - it is - hit and miss - to find a �good one�. So pick your priest to chat with. It should be someone you trust. You are not looking to get all the rules recited to you (remember the trouble here that Climacus is talking about is us not being able to tell what our conscience is saying). So our goal is to do a little reasoning all the wile hoping that the clouds across conscience might clear.
Now, of course, if the thing of trouble involves directly some rule and law of the church - you need to speak with a priest to find out the laws and rules of your particular church. And - you need to follow (what he will explain to you) them. But do keep in mind that the no one is made holy by the law - in the sense of one set of laws being any better or less than any other apostolic church. Nor is one made more holy be a tighter observance of rules and laws of theology of any particular church. Jesus made that real clear when he took the Pharisees to task for overly obsessive observance of rules and laws.
Even if those consulted are stupid, God immaterially and invisibly speaks through them and anyone who faithfully submits to this norm will be filled with humility.
Notice that above quoted - Climacus is now drawing into the picture - Providence. An immediate Providence.
Now to better understand what he is saying - let me mention a way of doing this - today.
Let us example that you have some very personal problem. It is clouding your conscience. You are upset and can not think well. You feel sure that you need confession - or maybe not?? You are in a spiritual (mental) tizzy. Now say for example that this personal matter - is very embarrassing� and you would not like to tell a friend about it - or any priest that you know well. Now - is that pride?? Or is it true that they (your friend of your well known priest) are still human and such a thing spoken could change their friendship through their own human weakness?? A real - quandary!!
For something like this I would suggest that you go to a church of which you have never meet the priest (easier for a Catholic to do) and say to yourself �Jesus - here I am. I will lay this whole thing out to this priest. I will listen to his advise.. And I WILL do it.� and making that vow to God � go ahead and walk into the church and speak with the priest very openly. And then DO as he says. Even if you do not like what he says.
God is not unjust - he will not slam the door shut on someone who humbly knocks.
Now - notice that I give you the same preference that Climacus does.
1) prefer above all to seek advise from someone who has some solid spiritual experience. And I am not talking about � just intellectual knowledge.
2) failing that availability - speak with a good friend and both of you use some reasoning about the matter.
3) failing the availability of the first two - make your vow to Providence and strike out to speak with a humble parish priest. He does not have to be smart - nor very learned. In fact steer clear of priests who have a reputation for great intelligence or pious or popular. God has a much more difficult time working trough such people. Pick a very humble and low profile church and common priest. Speak with him. Be very open as if this were Jesus you were talking to. Listen intently. And then go out. If what the priest had told you is not against your conscience - DO IT - as if it were Jesus himself who told you what to do.
This is the �secret� of Providence. But this third way should be a rare occasion. God much prefers the first and second ways (someone with experience or some friend with a good heart and good intentions).
Do you want me to explain the rest of your quote of Climacus?
Keep in mind that for Climacus - 1) Providence is alive 2) there is a real and recognizable progress to the spiritual life and that has stages and steps within the subconscious mind 3) discernment - means - knowing what your own conscience has to say about things.
Peace be to your and your church.