Originally posted by the_grip:
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
�Lord, behold, he whom you love is sick� and Jesus replied �This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God.�
In our terms Lazarus died. In Jesus� terms Lazarus did not die.
�Lazarus our friend sleeps but I go to wake him.�
Jesus kept trying to turn them around to think of death in the way God thinks of death - a spiritual absence of God. They don�t get it - and Jesus gets exasperated gives up and reluctantly lowers himself to their level - OK.. OK.. ! �Lazarus is dead.�
Martha: �Lord if you had been here my brother would not have died.�
Jesus: �Your brother shall rise.�
Martha: �I know that he will rise at the resurrection, on the last day.�
Jesus: �I AM the resurrection, and the life, he who believes in me even if he die (physical death) shall live.�
Get it?
�I AM the resurrection� - here - now - right here! Right now!
�I am life� - the last day is - here - right now - standing in front of Martha. Any time that Jesus is present - it is the �last day�.
Now which is easier? To say � I am the last day, I am the resurrection, and I am life itself� or to rise Lazarus from physical death?? Talk is cheap� so to prove his statement - he raises Lazarus.
Raising Lazarus was entirely secondary to this event. What is primary is that anytime the presence of Jesus is near - it is - the last day - it is the resurrection it is the kingdom of God� or as Jesus himself put it when he began his three years �The kingdom of the heavens is upon you.� The kingdom of God is present any time that Jesus is present.
Raising Lazarus is meant to point us back to the fact that the presence of Jesus is the presence of the resurrection, the last day, the life. She was wrong - to see the resurrection as some event which only takes place at some future date and time - it was - there - now - in the very presence and person of Jesus himself.
�I AM the resurrection, and the life, he who believes in me even if he dies [physically] has life [spiritual]. And everyone who lives [physically] and believes in me shall not die [spiritually].�
Jesus said before the event �I am glad for your sakes that I was not there - so that {seeing Lazarus raise] you might believe.�
Q: What is the most important aspect of the resurrection of Lazarus?
A: So that we would believe that Jesus - himself - in his presence - anywhere at any time - is the resurrection - the life - the last days - etc..
>He will come again in glory
Right - but it does not say how. It is an unfounded assumption that the coming again will be for the physical body of Jesus to descend from heaven and step backing into human history.
>to judge the living and the dead,
You may assume that Jesus will be judging those who are physically alive and those who are physically dead. Of course if Jesus were talking about physically alive and physically dead only - then passing judgment on someone who is physically dead - is a mote point is it not? But Jesus assumes he will judge those who are spiritually alive and those who are spiritually dead. That is why Paul in the 2nd letter to the Thessalonians tells them that those who have died are judged before those who are still alive. But it is hard to tell that that is what he was saying because of the poor English translations which translators assume Christ�s coming to be exactly what Paul is saying that the Thessalonians should not assume it to be.
>and his kingdom will have no end.
And when will this kingdom begin? At some future date? What about �The kingdom of heaven is upon you.� which he proclaimed to people as he began his three years?? Was he wrong? Mistaken? Did it not exist yet? (put into questions for effect).
And this seems like one of the most important explanations he gave on the subject - just before he went off to be arrested: John 17 �Now THIS is life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.�
Several times he said to people �The next you will see me [experience my presence] you will see me at the right hand of God.� - the right hand of the king - the position of the �right hand man� who caries out the judgments of the king.
Q: When did Steven see [experience] Jesus standing in glory at the right hand of God?
A: Just before he was stoned to death.
Q: What was Jesus doing?
A: Judging him fit - for heaven.
Apparently Jesus did not feel that he had to wait until some future date and time. For Steven - the event of his own death - the moments in which Steven was removed from time and history - was - the last day - the end of the world - the moment in which the presence of Jesus Christ judged him to spiritual life even at the same moment his body died.
I do not deny there will be a physical resurrection - but I stand with Paul - that is that there is absolutely nothing that we may or can know about it or how it will be. We can not even imagine it. All we do know is that we will be like Jesus as he is right now in his resurrected nature.
For forty days after his resurrection from the tomb our senses could see him and Thomas could touch him - and he ate food (proof that he was not a ghost)� and then he ascended into heaven. But he did not LEAVE us (�I will be with you always�). So tell me - since he is still right here right now in his ascended �form� as the Logos who has returned to God (John 1.1 �and the Logos was with God�) - what sense of his physical nature may we have of him? Can our physical eyes see him? Can out hands touch him?
No. AFTER the ascension into heaven - our bodily senses are not adequate to know his nature. He is still here - but our physical senses are not capable of observing him.
Now I ask you - if he never left us - how is it that he can come back from where he never left?
The answer is that we may or may not experience his presence. But our experience of him is not an experience of the senses of sight and touch and bodily senses.
Stephen already experienced (2000 years ago) Jesus coming again in gory at the right hand of the Father to judge the living [spiritual life] and the dead [spiritual death] and Stephen was judged to - life! Which life IS the eternal (no end in time because it also has no beginning in time - it always was, is, and shall be).
Now let us quickly look at some other theological facts of the Church.
Jesus� physical body was ascended into heaven. Spiritualized. As such as according to the Church�s definition of what physical nature and what spiritual nature is - that body is no longer a physical body - it is not a physical object proper to our physical senses.
For Jesus to come again in some physical way - and step back into time and history in a body which we could physically grasp - he would have to be re-incarnated (become carnal flesh again). The church tells us he became incarnate only once.
The church tells us that between his birth and his ascension - Jesus Christ was fully and complete and perfectly - revealed to humanity. There was nothing lacking and nothing further to revealed. With the death of the last apostle who could tell us direct witness to the human nature of Jesus Christ - all revelation of Jesus Christ was closed - forever. If Jesus were to come again into time and history and in physical flesh that could be seen etc� then that would be a further revelation in history of the humanity of Jesus Christ. Making the first revelation (his birth to his ascension) incomplete - with more to follow.
The church has never declared or proclaimed and end to the physical world. It has always used the two senses of the two Hebrew and Greek words that the English has only one word to translate to - �world�. The church speaks of the �end of the world� and at the same time she declares �Glory be to the Father, and to the Son�. world without end�. Either she contradicts herself or she is using the two definitions of the Hebrew and Greek. She IS using the two meanings of the Hebrew and Greek. Neither means indicates a physical material world - but rather a type of governing law at work within the world. The first meaning (the world which shall end) is a governing by fate and destiny devoid of Providence. The second meaning is a governing by Providence. One form of governing is devoid of the kingdom of God and the other form IS the kingdom of God. The first will end when the other begins. The second always was, is now, and always shall be - while the first has never been, is not now, and never shall be excepting in the mind of those who do not know Providence personally. The personal presence of Jesus Christ is the �last day� of the first and the �coming� of the second. The perspective God uses here is - to the experience of each individual.
The resurrection of the dead - is primarily to be understood as a raising to life (into the presence of Jesus Christ) from a spiritual death. While a physical resurrection is also implied - the mode - the time - the date - are unknowable - for the simple fact that - these physical measurements - simply do not apply. One might as well ask �What color is - colorless?� or �How long in inches - is the color red?� Time, date, physical attributes - have no meaning. Any imagining - or speculation - would miss the mark and be faulty. We can only know anything about it - in the moment in happens to us.
Jesus only incarnated once. And in a fully human way (conceived in the womb of Mary). Jesus did not and will not incarnate (become human body) in any other way. His human body did not and will not - descend from heaven. Incarnate once only - by being conceived in the womb of Mary.
The physical body of Christ present at Mass is not transported through time to be physically present in another place in time and location. Neither is it another (other) body of Christ. It is the very same body at the moment of crucifixion and resurrection - now present to us and we present to it. It is his body before the ascension. Time - is suspended� or as Chrysostom said it �time and eternity intersect.� during the mass. Jesus� physical body stepped into time - only once - and we are allowed to be present to it and it to us. Since the ascension it will not step into time and history again nor become de-spiritualized and re-incarnate again. Even so (that it is in substance the physical body of Jesus Christ) the human attributes of that body are not allow to us and our experience. Neither will they be in the future at any future date or time in history. The humanity of Jesus was only allowed to be experienced between the time of his birth and ascension. Any further or future experience to our senses of the human attributes of the body of Christ would be - a further revelation of the humanity of Jesus Christ - which was done fully and completely between his birth and ascension� nothing further will be revealed through and experience of his human body.
The final judgment and �second coming� of the messiah is an event �beyond history�. Beyond - sense perception. It will not be an experience from the exterior to the senses.
The members of the church are not �the church�. Jesus Christ in his presence - is the church. The members of the church are the participating members - they are �the members of the church�. That is simple. Participants in the presence of Christ. That presence is not inherently and essentially theirs. It does not belong to them in essence of procession. It is a grace. Freely given as an experience but never theirs to posses (a man can do what he wants to with his possessions). Grace can be withdrawn. The experience of the presence of Christ can be withdrawn. The presence of Christ in the Eucharist is only present when it is received in grace. So said St. Paul and so said the Councils. The sacraments are not magic (says the Councils).
The presence of Jesus - as the church - in the members of the church - is full, complete, and perfect, now. The presence of Jesus Christ is not imperfect in any way. Nothing is lacking. The �New Jerusalem� has already �descended� with the establishment of the Catholic church through the apostles. No - �more complete� or more perfect church is yet to come at some future date in history. The �end days� began with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ and are moved toward perfection in each member of the church in as much and to the degree that each member may strive (by voluntary cooperation with Providence) and obtain what measure of perfection in this life (a perfection by habit of virtue) is made available to them by grace. So reads the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
To Moses God said "Tell them that the God of Abraham, Issac, etc.. sent you. The God of the living, not the dead." So Abrham, Issac etc.. had already recieved thier judgements - to - life! They are physically dead but have been already sealed with eternal life in God.
And the many people who rose from the graves and walked around at the moment of Jeus' crucifixtion.
For an end times jugment of all humanity living and dead - there seems to be a lot of people excluded - as already judged??
No - there is something wrong with the common and popular interpretation of a physical return of Jesus... and a judgement which takes place in time and history - after time and history cease to be anymore.
The answer is not found in the opnions of saints or bishops - it is found in Council documents condenm the whole package (a physical return within history and a time of earthly utopia) which is grouped under the title millenarianism.
Anyway - it is time for me to end my part. I can not deal with every misconception and misinterpretation that has cemented itself to the opinions of church members since St. Paul and which persist today. At the same time, I do recognize that a literal and physical interpretation of a second coming - in the sense of Revelations being misinterpreted - and Church doctrines also being given a materialistic interpretation - are a stepping stone that I would be wrong to disturbed in some people least they have no stepping stone at all. And, I run the risk of being thought by assumptions to holding beliefs that I do not hold.
It is not an easy subject to discuss without misunderstandings.
If I have offended anyone, it was unintentional. And bottom line is that God judges us day to day by how we cooperate with daily Providence and how well we listen to his voice within our conscience. All these other matters will sort out for us individually as we go.