My Dear Deacon Lance,
Probably the point here is not if the cope or the miter of the Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (who, by the way, will be the main celebrant during the Holy Eucharist for the eternal repose of the pope of the eastern Catholic Churches)was latin or syrian style, the point is the latinization or not (protection of their own liturgical, canonical and theological tradition, in the case of the Maronite Church who should rather talk about the re-discovery of the authentical Western-Syrian-Maronite tradition) of the Eastern Catholic Churches, and which is the image of the Eastern Catholic Churches we want to promote as Catholic Church.
Well, that was the theological part of the issue..., lets now go to the liturgical one, the cope of the patriarch looked like a pre-council latin plubiale rather like a Syrian phaino, the miter was if I am not wrong (I have not a video of the funeral mass with me) the damascata one (that used by the cardinals), nothing to do with the red miter of the armenian patriarch, and the stole was similar to the latin one (the Maronite patriarch uses both the Syrian and the Latin one, the "Latin" Type being more ancient from the archeological point of view both in the West and the East)...but that is not so important (probably he did not take with him the proper ornaments and asked the liturgical service of the Vatican to provide him with them)...the image of the Eastern Catholic Churchs That we want to promote like Catholic Church is otherwise a much inportant issue. And, believe me, I have nothing againts the Maronites (I have some Maronite friends) or their liturgical tradition and I do suport them in their way back to the ancient Maronite tradition (a tradition with many things in common with the other Western Syrian Churches but with many rich peculiarities as well, like some common elements with the Eastern-Syrian tradition, or even with the tradition of the Churches of Constantinople and Rome).