My daughter just called from the hospital, he is CONSCIENCE! Glory to God! He woke up this morning. They now have him on a bed that constantly moves, left to right, and up to down, back and forth all the time. Ann and Sarah were able to go in and chat with him, she said they were joking and he was laughing!
Scripture says with faith we can move mountains. All of you have helped to move a mountain. THANK YOU JESUS!
He still has a long way to go, a lot of surgery. BUT HE IS CONSCIENOUS! Oh what joy his parents must feel. I know our parish family will be so exctied too. They prayed me through a life threating accident back in 2002, they are an awesome family of prayer. GOD IS SO GOOD!!!
Thank you so much for the prayers. I will let you know more as soon as I hear.
THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE PRAYING COMMUNITY OF THE BYZANTINE FORUM!!! For their faithfulness to prayer has granted fresh life to so many who ask for your mercy and grace through the cyber space and time. For all of my brothers and sisters I would never gotten to meet otherwise, I thank you. In the name of the Most Loving Brother we can have, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.