Dear Friends,
Prayer is a wonderful support and I think God is using this time of uncertainty and some tension to teach me about prayer in greater depth, trust in Him etc.
When thoughts get the better of me, I drop everything and turn to prayer. True is the teaching - "pray, pray and pray some more!"
Our minds can make the worst of situations, prayer shields us from that, lifts us up and gives us a fresh perspective.
It turns out that there are many in my place of work who support me, that my departure will be negotiated in a very Christian framework (the boss now is very nice to me, but I don't want to return to an abusive situation again).
I believe God wants me to leave here, whenever I even entertain the thought of staying etc. something happens that reinforces the opposite conviction.
So I won't fight it.
Who was it that said that we are to become like porpoises swimming in a care-free way in the waters warmed by the Light of God's Presence?
Talk to you later, I'm working on a backward dive . . .