Some may recall about a year ago I asked for prayers here for my great nephew, John, a paratrooper who was serving in Afghanistan. At that time he was being sent on difficult missions one in which his best friend was killed.
I am sharing the update below sent to me recently from his mother, my nephew's wife. And thanks for all of those prayers which God heard and has answered.
quoting John's mom:
"He came out of customs @ 1:00 this afternoon, we were there @ 3 hrs so as not to miss him. He did come out in his class A�s and we screamed, waved flags and held up banners!!! It will be a welcome home that he won�t forget. Once again we thank everyone whom has been on this 3 yr. journey with us. It is over, John is home"
What joy!
Let us remember in our prayers so many more men and women who, as hostilities continue, remain in harm's way.