Originally posted by bisantino:
I fail to see how a quinceanera can be compared to premarital sex or immodest dress?
I am sorry. I did not mean to offend. You are right; it is not comparable to premarital sex or immodest dress; I certainly did not mean to make such a comparison and I should not have used it in the same context. When I first began attending this parish, my only exposure to the quinceanera was that article I had read years ago, which I referenced in my post. So with that prejudice I was surprised to see this "cultural" celebration taking place in our parish. By no means would I consider it sin!
What I was getting at was that our priest tries very hard to keep the Church's arms open to everyone, regardless of how others view the things they are doing. Most of the parishes in our area do not do quinceaneras, even though this is a very hispanic town. I do not know the reason for this; it could be similar to the Phoenix bishop's reasoning. Our priest goes against the grain and could be perceived as liberal or lax for many of the things that go on in our parish, but he is actually very conservative. I believe that he is being Christlike in "meeting people where they are at"
both in their cultures and in their sin.
When confronted by the woman at the well, Jesus deflected the cultural debate and instead offered her Living Water. Our priest meets the needs of the hispanic population by performing quinceaneras. He also meets the needs of my family by catering to our Eastern Rite heritage - communicating our young children, sanctifying icons on the altar for us, etc.
Again, I deeply apologize for offending you.