Yes. I know.
It is a church in ruins As stated by the author of the book 'Church in Ruins' the following stats are ...
Today's count indicates that out of the 689 tserkvy that existed in 1939;
* 346 tserkvy (50.2%)no longer exist, or are in an irreparable condition;
* 245 tserkvy (35.6%) have been acquired by the Polish Roman Catholic Church and converted into kostely;
* 61 tserkvy (6.9%) remain in reasonably good condition, but are closed or used for other than sacral needs;
* 28 tserkvy (4.0%) were acquired and are used by the Orthodox Church;
* 9 tserkvy (1.3%) are retained as museums. Some remain standing on their original locations, while others have been moved onto museum property.
[ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Edwin ]