Dear Mike,
You write asking:
Honestly now, there is an historical disconnect here. Was it not Austria-Hunary that desuaded our people the Rusyn/Galicians to abandon their Orthodox roots for the Latin Rite..??? Have we forgot the 'treaty' of Brest..?? And where is the nobility in that. To rip a people from their heritage. Hmmm, kind of like the English superimposing their power over others they decided to dominate and 'civilize'. What of the anti-opinion here..?? mik
To consider these points:
"Was it not Austria-Hunary that desuaded our people the Rusyn/Galicians to abandon their Orthodox roots for the Latin Rite..???"
Well, no, it wasn't - not if you meant to write "persuaded" instead of "desuaded". If you meant to write "dissuaded", that would be a compliment to Austria-Hungary. Austria actually favored the Greek-Catholic Church and gave her significant support.
"Have we forgot the 'treaty' of Brest..??" From the context, it appears that you are speaking of the
Union of Brest, which took place in 1596, Austria was not a party to it, nor involved in it, neither for good nor for ill. Those who like the Union of Brest cannot give Austria the credit, and those who dislike the Union of Brest cannot give Austria the bleme; Austria had nothing to do with it.
It is just possible that you are referring to the several Treaties of Brest-Litovsk of early 1918. Had these remained in force after World War I, the results would have been excellent for Ukraine, and these Treaties did not involve ripping the people from their heritage. So if that's what you are referring to, what would be the point?
You comment:
"Hmmm, kind of like the English superimposing their power over others they decided to dominate and 'civilize'." - that applies perfectly to the terrible artificial famine in Ukraine in the early nineteen-thirties. But I am unaware that Austria has ever been accused of doing any such thing.
You ask:
"What of the anti-opinion here..?? "
If this farrago of mixed-up attributions of the behaviour of others to the Emperor of Austria and Apostolic King of Hungary is the best the anti-opinion can do, well: "Honestly now, there is an historical disconnect here."
Better luck next time!
Father Serge