Originally posted by byzanTN:
No, it's a case of not checking spelling. There was a very popular TV series - which you may be too young to remember - called "Have Gun, Will Travel" which starred Richard Boone. In the series, the star gave out business cards with that slogan. As you may have guessed, he was a hired gun in the old west.
Whenever I see your nick, my first thought is always that "TN" is intended as an abbreviation for "teen", rather than for the Volunteer State

- then you post something like this, waking me right up (obviously from a pre-senile stupor

"Hired gun" has such a negative connotation, I think we should tell those not old enough to recollect the series that Boone's character was named "Paladin" (an itinerent champion of chivalrous causes) and that his business card bore the silhouette of a chesspiece - a knight, of course. In other words, he was a righteous hired gun

Many years,