Ya know, I get all excited about the trends I see in the Catholic world about dialogue with the Orthodox, and then I see abominations like this, and I wonder why even bother. "What dealings hath Christ with Belial?" This "priest" and whatever bishop OK'd this should be publicly defrocked and sentenced to live out their lives as novices in a monastery praying for forgiveness.
Originally posted by Slavipodvizhnik: This "priest" and whatever bishop OK'd this should be publicly defrocked and sentenced to live out their lives as novices in a monastery praying for forgiveness.
Originally posted by Slavipodvizhnik: [b] This "priest" and whatever bishop OK'd this should be publicly defrocked and sentenced to live out their lives as novices in a monastery praying for forgiveness.
In Siberia, no less. [/b]
Orthodoxy will not prevail on Bishop Tod Brown's watch.
I think that this situation highlights a fundamental difference between Orthodox and Roman Catholic mindset. If an Orthodox priest even attempted something remotely similar, the very congregation itself would have risen against him, and I guarantee you that the bishop would be there in a matter of hours or less. To combine the Sacred with the profane is a concept that would not even enter an Orthodox mind. When I was in Poland, I crawled on my hands and knees to venerate Pani Jasnog�rskiej, along with thousands of others. This is faith. This is what should be. Where is THAT Catholic Church? What this "priest", and I shake with rage at using that term in regards to this person, is doing is from the hands of Satan himself. Where is the Apostolic Nuncio and Cardinal Arinze? Why aren't they doing something about this? You guys really need to clean house.
I don't mean to offend my Catholic brothers and sisters, but you must admit that this is deplorable.
I was thinking of posting this...but chose not to...but I will admit that it has added fuel to my fire to drive those 50 miles(one way)to attend the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Mary in the S.F. Valley...after all I'm 50% EC in spirit already...
I warned you. I remember that you were feeling down after all the monkey business in LA Arch. St. Louis Arch is pretty orthodox, maybe you should move.
We have a Byzcath mission and a Ukie mission as well as all the Roman Churches. C'mon down!
Originally posted by Slavipodvizhnik: I think that this situation highlights a fundamental difference between Orthodox and Roman Catholic mindset. If an Orthodox priest even attempted something remotely similar, the very congregation itself would have risen against him, and I guarantee you that the bishop would be there in a matter of hours or less. To combine the Sacred with the profane is a concept that would not even enter an Orthodox mind. When I was in Poland, I crawled on my hands and knees to venerate Pani Jasnog�rskiej, along with thousands of others. This is faith. This is what should be. Where is THAT Catholic Church? What this "priest", and I shake with rage at using that term in regards to this person, is doing is from the hands of Satan himself. Where is the Apostolic Nuncio and Cardinal Arinze? Why aren't they doing something about this? You guys really need to clean house.
I don't mean to offend my Catholic brothers and sisters, but you must admit that this is deplorable.
I am not offended, I agree. That's why not more than a few serious Catholics flock to the FSSP and other Tridentine Masses while others go Eastern Catholic. We want and need reverent and traditional worship. I hope the fabled Universal Indult will come soon and our 40 years in the desert of banality will finally come to an end. It really aggravates me going to Masses like this and being under the pain of sin to have to attend them.
I wish I lived closer to St. Louis so I could attend the UGCC every week.
Well, first of all, let me say that what was portrayed in this video is deplorable through and through.
I find no way to justify it at all.
But I do need to issue one clarification and at least get started with a series of questions.
The clarification is that the Diocese of Orange is actually NOT part of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
In the Latin Rite, suffragan dioceses and the metropolitan archdiocese are part of a Province, but the suffragan bishop is NOT subject to the metropolitan archbishop's authority except in very narrow and limited circumstances.
Therefore, blaming the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for this particular mess is unjust. Besides, we don't need any more messes, we manage to get our own.
That being said, my children attend a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and something like this would never happen, even if Halloween happens to coincide with a school Mass day. This is so, for several reasons.
First, if there is anything going on with the student's attire on a Mass day, students are required to present themselves in full uniform, Mass is the first activity of the day and after Mass, and only then, may the attire be altered in any way (costumes, red-ribbon week items, PE uniforms, etc).
Second, the school is present at Mass every Friday of the school year, plus any Holy Day of Obligation falling on a weekday. That means the only possible way Halloween would fall on a school Mass day is if October 31st is a Friday. But that means that November 1st is Saturday and since THAT is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Latin Church, the school actually celebrates it the preceding Friday. Therefore, there would be no Halloween "theme" for the Liturgy. The Liturgy would be that of the Solemnity of All Saints.
I have seen costumes used at church (advent program, living stations of the cross, etc), but certanly NOT during the celebration of the Eucharist.
Now for the questions:
1. Is this a real Mass or is it a staged performance? Do we really have a way to know?
2. Are we certain this is a Catholic celebration?
3. Is the bishop privy to this grotesque, sacrilegous act?
4. The building is deffinitively NOT the church. What is it? What else was going on there?
5. Was all this done by design? Or was the Mass a last-minute addition to some other event already involving the costumes. I mean, dressing like the devil is a poor choice for sure. But is that enough to not have the Eucharist celebrated, if the opportunity presents itself? (now, I'd agree that the size of the building doesn't seem to point to the need for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, so they could've make do without having the devil lady distribute the sacrament).
No one suggested that OC is LA. I remarked that Jakub wrote that he would not be posting about the Novus Ordo anymore due to the shenanigans going on in the LA Archdiocese.
I've been around this country of ours and LA is as bad as OC, Chicago, Indy, Belleville, and even my little town as far as Liturgical abuses go. But this is just flat out wrong!
The structure is the temporary location until they can get their mission church built. This thing was supposed to be legit
It's really hard to justify the allowance of anyone dressed as a demon being allowed at a sacred event, let alone participating. Though I don't know the lady in question I'm going to assume she's not into satanism, but words,masks and costumes do have power and contribute positive or negative energies regardless of their intent. Demonic energies have no business in a church let alone during the Eucharist.
On the other hand,the only possible out I can think of for her presence is if she represents temptations, and serves as a reminder of our daily struggle to turn Christward. But,but,but "temptation" distributing communion?!!
And Memo, if this isn't a legitimate Catholic Mass, then this is either an ignorant prank or much more sinister. Both equally blasphemous.In either case, the Bishop needs to be notified ASAP.
Let's hold out on throwing in the towel until we know for sure that this was a legitimate Catholic Mass.
Preposterous...unnerving...upsetting, to put it mildly. I had to see it to believe it. The band sans costumes would be bad enough. Someone needs to stand up and "rock" the boat in that parish and the diocese.
Bill, who has no problem with the Novus Ordo when celebrated properly.
The priest facing west at the consecration, the Protestant style praise band, a lay female distributing communion... It's just a disaster, and I doubt those things would raise an eyebrow on too many bishops. That is what is truly terrifying.
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