Dear All,

I've been following the discussion on the possible creation of a Patriarchate for the UGCC. Frankly, I am most disappointed that there is such resistance to it in the Roman Curia, not surprised, but disturbed and disappointed.

The latest that I've read is that Patriarch Lubomyr has pointed out the loyalty of the UGCC to the Pope. Some delegates from the legislature of Ukraine are planning to go to Rome to voice their support for the Patriarchate. One of the members urged members of the UGCC to write personally to the Holy Father. If I remember he said something like the Holy Father might react more positively to a letter from the widowed grandmother of a Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest who had served 30 years in detention.

This led me to wonder:

Is there some organizing of letter (or e-mail) writing taking place among our Ukrainian brothers and sisters to support the Patriarch? Are Ukrainian organizations going to put together a publicity campaign to share their history of loyalty and to press for recognition of their right to their traditional form of Church structure e.g ads in major papers including the Roman Catholic media, etc?.

Are the other Eastern and Oriental Catholic Churches coordinating any efforts with that Church?

If so, would someone share names of persons to whom members of the Catholic Communion and others might write. If someone shared mailing or e-mail addresses, I would like to add my voice in support the efforts underway. I think that others here might also like to help.

What are the main points which should be made by one who writes to support the Patriarchate?

Am I correct in assuming that it would be effective to cite the martyrdom of this Church under the Communists because of its loyaly to Rome? Should a writer point out the fact that the issue of the Patriarchate is, in essence, a matter primarily internal to the Catholic Communion though our communion has sought the in put of the Orthodox Churches.

In short, beyond praying, what can we do? Would it be better if we did nothing beyond continuing our prayers?

Can someone offer suggestions about how we can best help in this situation?

