Dear Rose,
Actually, you haven't offended anyone - who said so?
I may be a Ph.D., but I'm up to my elbows in soapy water as I scrub the floors and bathrooms here!
I was referring to my dear brother Neil's earlier post to me where he too engaged in some serious clock-cleaning . . .
As Blessed Pope John XXIII once asked a visitor, "Are you a theologian?"
To which came the answer, "No, Your Holiness!"
"Well, Deo Gratias!" the Pope replied. "Neither am I!"
I was just making yet another flippant comment (and there are those here who don't have a sense of humour of any kind, present company excluded).
I agree with Lawrence, of course. I had long thought Gen. Jackson to have been something of a crackpot - even worse than me.
But I'm coming to a different conclusion and this is another excuse for me to read more Civil War history
I'm just trying to assess this post in terms of what our brother Neil said on the Prayer thread - hmmm . . . too many minutiae, unduly calling attention to oneself, trying to get others to be in awe of me?
Listen, ultimately it's hard to be humble when you're me!
But I've come to be proud of my humility and I also try to let everyone know how humble I really am!
I think I hear the ghost of Gen. Jackson yelling out a command for me to take over . . .
The Yankees may be coming . . .
God bless, Pani!