Hi Alex,

I've been reading your "hot under the collar" posts....and even though (and perhaps because) I know nothing about the subject in question, I have a comment to make.

I am a Catholic of mixed descent including a generous portion of Lithuanian Jewish bloodlines.

.....sometimes I hear or read incredibly offensive statements about Jews...even in a book written by a sincere Catholic.

I actually try to understand sometimes how the people came up with their "off the mark" treatment of my ancestors (they chased them out of Europe during a persecution).

Still I believe that no such books should be written now, that they never should have been written, and that they shouldn't be promulgated as "current thinking" or even "acceptable thinking"

I think that if these books are stored in research libraries, it should be that they are read with an understanding that these hurtful statements are to be understood as terrible mistakes of the past....not to be repeated, but rather from which we must learn not to do likewise....

I hope I am not being offensive to anyone...I just can't stand to see Alex's feelings getting hurt smile

Unity In Christ

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