I'm glad to see/read that each of us is being more introspective and recognizing of the fact that we humans sometimes say and do things that are either not quite thought through, or are unhappily worded and thus tend to do aggrivate others. I guess it's human nature, but also a consistent opportunity to reflect on our lives and the ways that we deal with others.

What lies at the root of much of the liturgical issues is the lack of prayerful study. Some clergy do some things that are 'distant' from the norms, either through stupidity or through laziness. And the resultant affects on the people can be disastrous. Thus, we end up with all sorts of problems.

It's not an Orthodox thing or a Catholic thing, or even, for that matter, an Episcopal/Lutheran/Presbyterian/Methodist etc. thing. It's a problem of poor education combined with either a "lack of talents" (to be genteel) or just lack of effort. And one can see this in the plethora of folks who church-shop to find a congregation where the liturgy (and community) are satisfying. [And, to be honest, I can sympathize with these folks.]

At any rate, as things move forward with all sorts of ecumenical endeavors on the official level, and with God's people being more open to common activities (including prayer), perhaps the Holy Spirit will smack us all upside the head collectively to make sure that we keep on keepin' on in being with each other.

Blessings to all!!