The Master of Papal Liturgical Celebrations is the head of the Office of the same designation and is appointed for 5 years by the reigning Pope.
I cannot find the exact date that Archbishop Piero Marini was appointed by the late Pope John Paul II but it seems to point to the year 2001 that he took over when Archbishop Boccardo, the former Maestro, was appointed to another position in the Roman Curia.
Thus, Pope Benedict will have his chance to appoint a Maestro successor next year when Abp. Marini's term is due to expire.
In a related move, the Holy Father has replaced Cardinal Noe as Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica with Archbishop Marchisano. Remember, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos had to get an audience with Pope Benedict to have the TLM allowed to be celebrated at St. Peter's, which was previously not allowed?
Let's see how the "Big Mass" looks tomorrow at midnight!
It is going great for Paparatzi so far!