Well, I am not surprise..... I wonder what MP Alexy 11 think about it.
18 April, 2005
Almost one Russian in three favourably inclined towards the Catholic Church The Foundation �Public Opinion� (Obshczestvennoe mnenie) reveals that favourable opinion of Catholic Church rose from 16 to 30 per cent in five years.
Moscow (AsiaNews/Interfax) � About 30 per cent of Russians are favourably inclined to the Catholic Church compared to 16 per cent five years ago, whilst the number of those with a negative opinion of the Church dropped in the same period from 9 to 5 per cent, this according to a survey conducted by the Russian Foundation �Public Opinion� (Obshczestvennoe mnenie), which interviewed on April 9 and 10 1500 respondents in 100 cities and towns in 44 of Russia�s major administrative divisions.
The survey shows that 77 per cent of the population followed John Paul II�s funeral on TV with a majority (51 per cent) agreeing that the way TV reported the events connected with the death and burial of the Pope were �just and necessary�, only 14 per cent of respondents considered the reporting excessive.