Herb, there is no reason you can't have kolyva to break the fast after Presanctified, as it is certainly "Lent legal".

I was just observing that you usually see kolyva offered more often for services for the dead, the All-Souls Saturdays, St. Theodore on the first Saturday of the Great Fast as well as saint's days, name days, etc.
The prayer for blessing the kolyva in the Trebnik certainly has no limitations on when not to take it, and there is absolutely no reason why the priest couldn't bless it at the conclusion of Presanctified and everyone partake to break the fast. In fact, I like that idea a lot,

because by the time we get out it is easily pushing 8 or so p.m. Hmmm, maybe next week...
But that white confectioner's sugar is too sweet for me (my kids disagree with me on this point

). Just nuts, raisins and honey are fine.