Dear Administrator,
Yes, the participation of the Catholic church in these issues throws me off completely at times, like right now.
You could have imagined my chagrin when we had a delegation come in to ask that the Legislature drop the Lord's Prayer as part of our opening exercises - and there was a representative from the Catholic Church there as well . . .
(I asked the person privately if he had the full approval of the authorities etc. and he confirmed he had).
This is kind of like the current campaign we monarchists are waging against the action of the national government that recently removed the Queen's name from the diplomatic credentials of our ambassadors (leaving only that of the Governor General).
It's kind of hard to fight this sort of thing when Her Majesty herself has already approved it!
(How you put up with the attitudes of some posters here is beyond me. I'm happy you hardly ever get upset with me . . . nowadays . . .)