Originally posted by Ray S.:
I am surprised no one else has responded to this post.
We have a chance to have a Byzantine Catholic Radio program in the [b]fastest growing county in the USA.
You would think people who are interested in Evangelization would have a few thoughts? [/b]
Hey there, Ray !
Congratulations ! I only noticed this thread today. With the reorganization of the Forum and my own busy schedule, I'm not checking things as closely as I should. I suspect I'm not the only one, either. So, I would encourage you to post to this thread like you did above, in order to keep it fresh on the "Active topics" list for a few more days -- so others who might have overlooked this thread can notice it too.
OK, on to the gist: your community has the opportunity to have host a radio program about Eastern Christianity ! Praise God ! And, the local Orthodox community and the local Eastern Catholic community working together on this project is FANTASTIC ! Hopefully it will be fruitful and harmonious and model for relations between these two churches.
As for what to offer . . .
First and foremost: Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the Gospel that people need to hear and learn and be reminded of. It is the Gospel that converts and gives life. So, I would advise you to make that your priority: preach the Gospel.
And, I would advise you to ask the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of the Theotokos, to guide you in the specifics. In that way, you will also share and discuss the facts about Eastern Christianity -- both Eastern Catholic and Orthodox.
In other words, after preaching the Gospel you should also be teaching: teaching the Tradition of Eastern Christianity. You can do this with pre-recorded content. You could also have a live show, first half lecture and second half call-in. (And, that content itself could be recorded for later broadcast.) Such a show should have LOCAL hosts from LOCAL churches -- so that interested people will hopefully be drawn in to LOCAL Eastern Christian churches. For example, it might be useful to have a program on "Discover the Eastern Church" that would be co-hosted by an Orthodox and an Eastern Catholic who get along and who can discuss the basic and not-so basic topics of Eastern Christianity. Each would be true to the basic patrimony of Eastern Christianity, and each would also be true to the Tradition of their respective churches.
In addition to preaching and teaching, you should also offer worship and devotions. In other words, your radio station should offer a live broadcast of Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. You might also want to have broadcasts of recorded Matins and Vespers services. In this way, people who cannot get to church can still participate somewhat in liturgy and have their faith strengthened. Also, others (non-Eastern Christians) will be exposed to Eastern Christian forms of liturgy . . . and the Lord might touch their hearts and call them in that way.
Your radio station will also need some music and local news/sports/weather. The music will be a good way of introducing people to more of the fullness of Eastern Christian culture. The news/sports/weather will keep the station local and meaningful to local people's lives. A tie-in to a local newspaper or TV station would be a good way to get local news/sports/weather without much expense. The local newspaper or TV station would get (in effect) free advertising, and you would get (in effect) free news/sports/weather.
Here is an important suggestion: HAVE SOME SPANISH LANGIAGE PROGRAMMING. Spanish speakers are the largest group of immigrants in America right now, and Spanish is (effectively) the second language of the U.S. In some places and cities in the U.S., Spanish is the primary language. So, offer some broadcasting content and time in Spanish.
Finally, you need to be an overall information resource. Good content is not enough. You need to be a clearinghouse of information on (1) the Gospel, (2) Eastern Christianity and (3) resources in your community (charities, abortion alternatives, legal services to the poor, etc., etc., etc.). Once people start tuning in, you will get all sorts of questions. They won't all be "Which tone should we sing in today at liturgy?" or "What do the Fathers say about such-and-such?" Instead, it will, "My neighbor is broke and needs emergency help. Where can my neighbor turn for help?" Or, "What time is Bingo at Saint-such-and-such parish ?" Or, "I'm a sinner ? Can you help me find Jesus?" Etc. You and your staff have to be ready for those kinds of questions when people call your station. But, you will also need a website. A website for your station will allow you to listing and offer resources on the Gospel, Eastern Christianity and local services (charitable and religious). Don't worry about doing live broadcasts over the internet. Instead, get the factual data posted and then (later) get some of the best programs available for download.
Finally, pray. God owns the radio waves. Let God be your station manager, and you His servants. And remember: first and foremost, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Just a few ideas. I hope they help. I am very excited for you, Ray, and the Eastern Christina community in St. Petersburg, Florida. May God richly bless you and guide your efforts. Keep us posted, please, about how things develop !
-- John