Diak, what was the nature of the introduction of the UGCC Anthology? Was it voluntary/optional by parish, or mandated for use per eparchy, or what?
It was printed with the blessing of Patriarch Lubomyr in June, 2004. It was also printed with the understanding that after "several years of use" (the Patriarch's words) the texts and music above and beyond those of the official 1988 English translation of the Liturgikon will also be reviewed.
Regarding "mandated", again I will quote the Patriarch: "I heartily endorse and commend the present volume for use in all of the eparchies throughout our Church". Ultimately on the parish level a priest will decide what is used - but to date this is the only English Sbornik/Anthology with Patriarchal approval. But "mandated" in the sense of "forced usage" - no.
Did it have a lengthy review period by the faithful with opportunity for feedback to its producers prior to its introduction? I would like to know how it was rolled out.
It did have an extended period of review and input; my diaconal program starting using the draft texts in '99 or 2000 in addition to several other "beta testers" before they were finalized for print several years later. These testers included parishes in both Canada and the US, as well as educational institutions such as the Sheptytsky Institute chapel, the seminary in Ottawa, and monastic communities. So a range of both parochial and seminary settings were tested and input solicited.
Regarding input - during our diaconal formation Fr. Peter Galadza and Joe Roll (our music teachers and two of the expert cantors doing the compiling) allowed us to take the draft texts to our home parishes, try them (with permission of the pastor) and let them know how everything went.
Fr. Peter, as the chief editor, was also very receptive to comments on the other draft material from the Anthology that he circulated to us (the Hours, Communion prayers, other hymns, etc.) for use, review and input. I should also say that the majority of the printing costs were picked up not by the eparchies themselves, but by generous benefactors, parishes, etc.
I hope that addresses all of your questions.