Originally posted by Cathy:
The Litanies and Antiphons are what makes the Byzantine and Orthodox Churches special, and when you take them away..
Dear Cathy,
The proposed Divine Liturgies book ADDS antiphons and litanies, compared to the 1965 and 1978 people's books, and does not print four optional psalm verses - while including these verses AND the litanies you NEVER saw in these books, in a supplement to come from the Metropolitan Cantor Institute. You will NOT need to experience a shorter liturgy than you do today.
In the 1965 people's book for the Divine Liturgy:
The first antiphon had one verse.
The little litany between the first and second antiphons was MISSING.
The second antiphon had one verse.
The third antiphon was MISSING.
The Typical Psalms and Beatitudes were MISSING.
The Entrance Hymn was OPTIONAL.
(The prokeimenon, Epistle and Alleluia were OPTIONAL.)
The Litany of Supplication was OPTIONAL.
The Litany of the Catechumens and the First and Second Litanies of the Faithful were MISSING.
The Creed contained the Filioque.
The Litany over the Gifts was MISSING.
The Petition for the Pope and bishop after "It is truly proper" was OPTIONAL.
The Litany before the Our Father was OPTIONAL.
The Litany of Thanksgiving was MISSING.
The service ended in the Latin style, with the blessing after the dismissal.
In the 1978 "pew book" that Monsignor Lekvulic prepared, and the Seminary Press published:
The first antiphon had one required verse, and two optional verses.
The little litany between the first and second antiphons was STILL MISSING.
The second antiphon had one required verse, and two optional verses.
The third antiphon was OPTIONAL (and not provided).
The Typical Psalms (abreviated) were present, but the Beatitudes were STILL MISSING.
The Litany of the Catechumens and the First and Second Litanies of the Faithful were STILL MISSING.
The Litany over the Gifts was OPTIONAL (and not provided).
The Creed contained the Filioque.
The Litany before the Our Father was OPTIONAL.
The Litany of Thanksgiving was OPTIONAL, and the "Grant it, O Lord" petitions are MISSING.
In the proposed Divine Liturgies book:
The first antiphon has one required verse.
The little litany between the first and second antiphons is STILL MISSING.
The second antiphon had one required verse.
The third antiphon is REQUIRED (and provided for Sunday and each feast).
The Typical Psalms (abreviated) AND THE BEATITUDES are given; the Beatitudes are required if the Typical Psalms are used.
The Litany of the Catechumens is OPTIONAL, and is followed by the Second Antiphon of the Faithful. (Both were MISSING before.) The First Antiphon of the Faithful is STILL MISSING.
The Litany over the gifts is REQUIRED.
The Creed does NOT contain the Filioque.
The first part of Litany before the Our Father is REQUIRED (with two petitions combined into one). The second part of the Litany before the Our Father is STILL OPTIONAL.
The Litany of Thanksgiving is REQUIRED, and the "Grant it, O Lord" petitions are OPTIONAL (and provided).
So on the upside, compared to the 1978 "pew book" which is still standard in most places:
One antiphon and two litanies, formerly optional, now MUST be said.
The Beatitudes, which were missing, are now required if the Typical Psalms are used.
The Litany of the Catechumens and the Second Litany of the Faithful, which were missing, are now provided and optional.
The downside? Two petitions at the first and second antiphon, formerly optional, are not in the new book. And you know what?
The missing verses, AND the litany between the antiphons, AND the First Litany of the Faithful, will be available in booklet form for the priest and cantor to use when (if) the new Divine Liturgies book is published.
On the other hand, the new book restores the (UNabbreviated!) prostopinije melodies, as well as a host of other traditional melodies, includes nine pages of pre- and post-Communion prayers(with the three preparatory psalms), the services for the days of the week, the common weekday services for saints, and the liturgies for special intentions (general, thanksgiving, for the sick, for the help of the Holy Spirit, for the departed. Oh, and the Panachida and the General Moleben. With music.
I agree - I will miss "who loves mankind", and I don't know why the Oriental Congregation in Rome had a problem with using those words to translate celovikolubce. And I would rather see "us men" in the Creed, but then again, the Greek and Romanian Orthodox omit it to, so we're not breaking new ground there. (Has anyone seen any other "inclusive language", or is that it?)
I would wager money that more than half the parishes in the Pittsburgh eparchy will have to celebrate a LONGER service with the new book than they do now. Will you support them in doing this, or encourage them to disobey, and DEMAND the shorter liturgy they are used to, just as you are prepared to DEMAND a longer liturgy than was congtained in the 1965 and 1978 books - when the new book will require parishioners to memorize precisely four psalm verses in order to have all the same Sunday litanies and antiphons you have today? Will you still help them protest a longer liturgy when you find out that the new liturgy is (if the priest wishes) just as long as you were used to?
If you have questions, send me e-mail (ByzKat@stny.rr.com); I'd be happy to correspond. I'm sorry if this is rough, but you will lose little or no liturgical material with the proposed book, and gain a lot. I wish the translation could be common with the other Eastern Rites, and perhaps slightly more polished - but we HAVE to end this situaton where two pairs of eparchies celebrate with different liturgikons, and the largest one STILL has massively abbreviated services.
Yours in Christ,
Jeff Mierzejewski
ANOTHER set of kneeling prayers today! YAY!