Nevertheless, I've had some interesting conversations with one of our old faithful members who wasn't frightened off by the merger. He says there is no indication whatever that Bishop Pataki did anything to hurt the Joliet Church prior to the mergers. The school that was founded by a former priest who served the Church for 40 years staggered to its closure mainly due to the lack of nuns. There was even a convent next to the Church at one time but we all know that for various reasons religious vows have taken a nose dive all over the country since the 1960s. Moreover, the old neighborhood changed dramatically in the 70's and 80's including the neighborhood around the cemetary. The people who supported the Church moved away and the area at times became dangerous.

Moreover, my new friend tells me that very few people left because of the merger. Most of those who did leave from Chicago and Joliet had either already left long before the merger or left because they were elderly and did not wish to make the move.

It appears from my initial investigation that the the Great Shepherd did a pretty good job of watching over the merger process and the human shepherds who managed it did a commendable job. Reports to the contrary seem more to do with rumor and inuendo than anything else.

Still, I've discussed the possibility of another homecoming Sunday which would not only invite back all former members but all living former priests and deacons as well.

I wonder how many Churches have done this? I suppose though that to find out would necessity a statistic.

Dan L