What if you don't watch a lot of TV?
Well, I take that back. My dad is a huge CBS primetime fan, so we watch a lot of action, crime investigation shows. Which is not all bad with me, but once in a while, they start to become the same. He likes to watch
CSI: Miami [
The Unit [
Shark [
tv.com], and
Numb3rs [
I enjoy action genre movies and some shows. Actually, it's one of my favorite themes. I love the suspense it gives me, and the agony of not knowing what comes next. But some of the above mentioned shows, like CSI and Shark, are not very moral. CSI is set in Miami, where it's fiesta all day long! Beach goddesses, cuban gangs, drugs, money etc. One thing leads to another and someone gets killed usually. I don't like this show the most because of the autopsies, the vivid depictions of how a bullet enters a body (sound effects and all..ewww) and the awful lives the people live. But, good always wins in the end and 9 out of 10 times, they catch the criminal. Shark deals with celebrity court hearings of the dark and dirty lifestyles of the rich and famous. But I enjoy the "creativty" of how Stark wins his cases. He is constantly bending the rules (even to the point of breaking them!). He always wins the case and sends the criminal to jail...when he's not in jail himself.
NCIS, The Unit, and Numb3rs give a different point of view. NCIS is more detective work, which I
love. The Unit is top secret missions-Americans getting the Muslim and Communist terrorists. A great adventure, though sometimes the home life gets a little interesting. Some of the wives are my heros though. Numb3rs is neat. Who would think to make a show like this? If you read the synopsis, it tells that the show came from real life experiences. Math to solve crimes: brilliant. And I hate math!
My personal favorites, however, are
Wife Swap [
tv.com] and
Super Nanny [
tv.com]. Don't ask me why. It's a real eye-opener to see these families with their sometimes really bizarre lives. I've seen families who live their lives through martial arts, hippy gods, junk food and TV, the Renaissance era, the pirates code, etc. And when they meet their extreme opposite family, funny.
Super Nanny is an interesting show too. This British lady comes in and helps families with out-of-control children. By the end of the show, everyone's happy. I guess I watch it thinking that possibly some of the tips on the show will help me in my future (God willing) if need be.
So that's my long two cents. I was hoping that someone else would answer before I would. But looks like not. I don't have a good feeling that many will post in this topic, because I know some of the ByzanTEENS and they aren't really on this site often. Sometimes other forums just get crazy and we really don't like to be a part of that. But I appreciate the Prayer forum if I need it, and this forum a lot. So thank you for those! Have to go now.
Yours in Christ and the Theotokos,