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Dear Friends,

I have written an Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos of Fatima.

I have been asked to make it available to any here who would wish it.

The Administrator, in his exceeding kindness, has enclosed it below.

When you read it, please feel free to make any changes you deem appropriate.


[ 05-07-2002: Message edited by: Orthodox Catholic ]

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I sure would like a copy (Of course)! Is this the first such Akathist to be published or has any previous ones been recorded.

Robert K.

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Dear Robert K.,

I don't believe there has been an akathist to Our Lady of Fatima - but I could be wrong.

I've used the old English, anyone is free to change it as they wish.

God bless,


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The following akathist was composed by Dr. Alex Roman. The usual beginning and dismissal should be taken.

Kontakion 1

To Thee, our Great Defender and Constant Intercessor, we sing a joyful hymn of thanksgiving and praise for Thy revelations at Fatima to us Thy children, indicating thereby the way of penance and amendment of life in Christ and, with Thee, we magnify God our Savior and exclaim:

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, Thou Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Ikos 1

Gazing upon the Icon of Thy appearance at Fatima, we see Thee with hands uplifted in prayer to Thy Son and God for all His suffering people. Thou didst give warning concerning the chastisements about to visit the earth, offering Thyself as our Unassailable Wall of Protection then and always. Awed by Thy motherly care for us sinners, we cry out with grateful love:

Rejoice, Daughter of God the Father!
Rejoice, Mother of God the Son!
Rejoice, Spouse of the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, Temple of the All-Sacred Trinity!
Rejoice, Ladder foreshadowed in Jacob's dream!
Rejoice, Sacred Jar of the Heavenly Manna!
Rejoice, new Moses who defeats the spiritual Amalek with Thy upraised arms!
Rejoice, Teacher of prayer and repentance to Thy children!
Rejoice, Mother of all who run to Thy Mantle as to a fortified city!
Rejoice, new Voice in the Wilderness calling us to make straight the way of the Lord!
Rejoice, Fervent and Untiring Intercessor on our behalf!
Rejoice, Burning Bush unconsumed, on fire with the love of God!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, Thou Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 2

Vladimir the Enlightener of Rus' placed Thy Icon at the source of the River Dnieper to consecrate its waters in which he baptized his people in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. We joyfully keep festival in recalling Thy Motherly concern and love for us always as we sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

Thou art enthroned in Thy Temple of Holy Wisdom in Kyiv, the Mother of all the cities of Rus,' as the Oranta who wipes away every tear with Thy sacred towel. Thou reignest there still, covering us with Thy golden mantle with which Thou dost extend over all who have recourse to Thee. Joining with the Royal Choir of Rus' in singing Thy praise, we exclaim:

Rejoice, Inspirer of Askold and Dir!
Rejoice, Consolation of Olha the Great!
Rejoice, Guide of Vladimir the Enlightener!
Rejoice, Strength of Boris and Hlib the Passion-Bearers!
Rejoice, Happiness of Yaroslav the Wise!
Rejoice, Well Spring of Grace of Vladimir Monomakh!
Rejoice, Guardian of the Crown and Sovereignty of ancient Rus'!
Rejoice, Sovereign of all our ancient Rulers!
Rejoice, Impenetrable Wall surrounding Kyiv and all Rus'!
Rejoice, for God is within Thee and Thou shalt not be moved!
Rejoice, for by Thee the darts of the enemies are turned back!
Rejoice, for by Thy Mantle are we protected against all dangers!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, Thou Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 3

Again and again Thou didst show Thy motherly love for Thy children of Rus' and in these latter days didst appear to three children at Fatima to call the world to prayer and repentance before the coming chastisements that were to befall Thy people. Thou didst ask us to wear a sign of Thy Holy Protection on our shoulders, the Scapular, to remind us of Thy constant motherly embrace and loving care for our welfare, now and throughout all eternity. In thanksgiving to Thee, we cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Thy servant of old, Andrew the Scythian, saw Thee holding Thy Mantle of Protection over the people threatened by the enemies of Thy Son, vanquishing them all thereby. The Venerable Job likewise drew down Thy unconquerable strength in defence of Pochayiv. And we today praise Thee and the strength of Thy Mantle of Protection made manifest in the Scapular and sing:

Rejoice, O sure Protection against the Evil One!
Rejoice, destroyer of the plans of the iniquitous!
Rejoice, Defender of Thy children!
Rejoice, Thou who hast placed a constant guard in front of and behind us!
Rejoice, Whose Mantle is like unto Thy continual Mother's embrace.
Rejoice, for we rest safely beneath Thy wings of Grace!
Rejoice, our Guardian in life and in death!
Rejoice, Thou who wards off the fiery darts of temptations!
Rejoice, Thou who protects us from earthly calamities!
Rejoice, Thou who brings us to heaven like Elias by means of a cloak in two parts!
Rejoice, Thou who clothes us with the Grace of Thy Son!
Rejoice, who calls us to put on the Lord Jesus Christ!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 4

In ancient days, Thou didst reveal a new Psalter to a Monk of the Thebaid in Thy Rule of Prayer. Imitating the Archangel Gabriel, we join in the unending hymn of praise of Thee through Whom God the Word bent the Heavens and came down into the world to live among us and sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 4

Our holy fathers, Seraphim of Sarov and Seraphim Zvezdinsky, greatly honoured Thee, the Holy Rose of Sharon, by praying daily Thy Rule of praises and we, their disciples, follow the command of our teachers in honouring Thy Annunciation. The children of Fatima preached Thy reminder to take up this Rule with zeal and we join with them as we sing:

Rejoice, O Theotokos, Ever-Virgin Mary!
Rejoice, Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee!
Rejoice, Blessed among women!
Rejoice, for Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb!
Rejoice, for Thou hast given birth to Christ our Saviour!
Rejoice, for what David's Psalter foretold is fulfilled in Thy Psalter!
Rejoice, for Thy Psalter is like the Apostles' net of old in which we collect 153 Gifts of Divine Grace!
Rejoice, for Thy Psalter transfigures us into new Seraphim!
Rejoice, for Thou dost invite us to share in Thy joy at Thy Annunciation!
Rejoice, for Thy Psalter bedews us with immeasureable blessings!
Rejoice, for Thou didst appear at Fatima holding a Vervitsa prayer cord!
Rejoice, for it is like David's sling that we use to slay the spiritual Goliath!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of the people of Rus'!

Kontakion 5

Thou didst appear at Fatima to call everyone to holiness of life, in testament of which Thy garments were all white. O pure, Ever-Virgin and Most Immaculate Mother of God, save us by Thy ceaseless prayers and intercessions before the Throne of Thy Son that He grant us the purifying Grace of the All Holy Spirit to make us into holy Temples of the All-powerful Trinity, as we sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

The Angel of the Lord taught the children at Fatima to pray always, constantly invoking God and Thee to ask for the coming of the Holy Spirit into our souls. The children were then transformed by Thee into teachers of prayer to the world, becoming like unto Thy Son Jesus, Who at a young age Thou didst find in the Temple, teaching the elders. Awed by their holiness and devotion, we sing to Thee:

Rejoice, Most Pure and Immaculate Virgin Mary!
Rejoice, Theotokos overshadowed by the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, who dost ponder God's constant praise in Thy heart!
Rejoice, who prayest ceaselessly for our salvation!
Rejoice, who callest us all to a deep union with Thy Son, the Eternal Vine!
Rejoice, who brings us up to heaven on the wings of prayer!
Rejoice, who teaches us to watch with Thy Son for many hours!
Rejoice, Guide of constant prayer of the heart in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Rejoice, who dost open to us the fountains of Divine Grace!
Rejoice, through whom Christ came to us and through whom we are united to Him!
Rejoice, Fount of Holiness, distributing the Gifts of the Spirit to us!
Rejoice, teaching us to do "all He commands," and filling with Grace the empty jars of our souls!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 6

Thou art verily the Holy Jar containing the Manna of Heaven and the Table on which rests the Bread of Life. At Fatima Thou didst promise to bless Thy children who approached worthily the Sacred Mysteries of the Body and blood of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. As the Field that brought forth the Untilled Corn, we ask Thy assistance to become fruitful branches of the Vine that is Christ and sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

Bless us with the Grace to live a life worthy to receive the Sacred Mysteries of Thy Son, even though, like Isaias, we stand in fear of being consumed in our sinfulness by the Burning Coal of the Altar. But nourished at the Wounded Side of Thy Son and our Redeemer, we cry out with compunction:

Rejoice, Revealer of the Rich Treasures of Thy Son!
Rejoice, who leads us to worthy Communion of His Body and Blood!
Rejoice, Teacher of the Mysteries of Grace!
Rejoice, for without Thy Son we can do nothing!
Rejoice, for only He is Holy, only He is Lord!
Rejoice, for we confess Him not as Judas, but as the Thief!
Rejoice, for we cry out to Him to remember us in His Kingdom!
Rejoice, for we drink of the Mystical Wine that exudes from the Sacred Cluster that hung on the Cross!
Rejoice, for we are nourished from the outpouring of Grace and Mercy from His Wounded Side!
Rejoice, for the Risen Christ penetrates the walls of our hearts and grants us His Peace!
Rejoice, for the Lord has done great things for Thee and, through Thee, for us!
Rejoice, for He is laid in our hearts as Thou didst lay Him in the manger and we also, O Mystery of Mysteries, become "Bearers of God!"

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of the people of Rus'!

Kontakion 7

Thou didst stand beneath the Cross of Thy Son on Calvary and the Prophecy of Simeon concerning the Sword that would pierce Thy soul was fulfilled. At Fatima, Thou didst ask for a spirit of sacrifice of us to bear our daily Crosses and offer them for the salvation of sinners throughout the world. As we fulfill Thy injunction and meditate on Thy Sorrow during the Passion of Thy Son and Lord, we cry: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

The Cross of Thy Son is our salvation, Most Holy Theotokos, as it is the Key that unlocked for us the Gates of Paradise as the Spiritual Ladder on which we climb to ascend to the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As we ask Thee for strength to share in the Cross so that we might also share in the glory of the Resurrection, we sing:

Rejoice, Thou who walked with Christ to Calvary!
Rejoice, for Swords of Sorrow didst pierce Thy soul!
Rejoice, for Christ on the Cross gave us Thee to be our Mother!
Rejoice, for Thou wrapped the Body of Thy Son not in swaddling clothes, but in a shroud!
Rejoice, for "whose grief is like unto mine?"
Rejoice, for the secrets of many were revealed!
Rejoice, for the Cross is the folly of the world, but Divine Wisdom for us!
Rejoice, for we join Thee in seeing Christ in the "Pine, the cedar and the cypress!"
Rejoice, for when Christ was lifted up, He drew everyone to Himself!
Rejoice, for Thou dost teach us to accept our crosses!
Rejoice, for Thou dost ask us for sacrifices on behalf of sinners!
Rejoice, for Thou dost dip our daily crosses in honey!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 8

Thou didst appear at Fatima to warn us of the impending disasters that were to befall the world, just as the dark clouds of sin and godlessness were gathering over the people and land of Rus'. Thou didst ask for prayer for their conversion to the Orthodox Catholic Faith and Church of Christ. Awed by Thy compassion and love, we sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

The enemies of God attacked His sanctuaries throughout the length and breadth of the land of Rus' and washed it in the blood of His servants. They set up their ensigns for signs in the Temples of God, and no one knew how long this was to be. Venerating the precious sufferings and witness of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the godless yoke, we sing:

Rejoice, new and glorious Sovereign of Rus'!
Rejoice, Queen of Grace who wields a spiritual sceptre!
Rejoice, Thou who welcomed the Royal Martyrs to the Heavenly Kingdom!
Rejoice, Strength of the New Martyrs and Confessors!
Rejoice, Consolation of those sentenced to death by freezing and hunger!
Rejoice, Might of the New Confessors!
Rejoice, Courage of St Vladimir, Metropolitan and Protomartyr!
Rejoice, Conviction of St Tikhon the Patriarch!
Rejoice, Supportive Staff of the Holy Hierarch Martyrs!
Rejoice, Paradise desired by those tortured for their faith!
Rejoice, Hope of those without hope!
Rejoice, Thou who wept over the newly crucified Body of Christ that is His Church!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 9

Thou didst reveal Thyself and Thy prophecies to three children at Fatima, O Most Holy Mother of God. Thou didst appoint them to be Thy disciples preaching repentance throughout the world. Marvelling at the wisdom that comes forth from the mouth of babes, we sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 9

God did not reveal His Mysteries to the worldly or to the wise of this world, but, through Thee, to children. Not in age is wisdom measured, but in the Grace that comes from the Holy Spirit. And we sing to Thee with grateful hearts:

Rejoice, for we are to become like little children to attain the Kingdom of God!
Rejoice, for of such is the Kingdom of God!
Rejoice, for Christ asks that His children not be forbidden to come to Him!
Rejoice, Teacher of simplicity of faith and trust in God!
Rejoice, Guide to true humility and surrender to God's Will!
Rejoice, who dost ever nourish us with the milk of Thy Grace!
Rejoice, Protector of orphans!
Rejoice, Happiness of Francisco!
Rejoice, Beloved of Jacinta!
Rejoice, Inspirer of Lucia!
Rejoice, Guardian of youthful innocence and purity!
Rejoice, Radiant Star that guides and protects all Christ's young servants on the tumultuous sea of life's temptations!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 10

There appeared a sign in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the Sun, with the Moon at her feet and a Crown of Twelve Stars on Her Head. And She crushed the serpent beneath her feet, despite the enmity that was between Her Seed and its seed, and was victorious. And the people of Fatima saw a glimpse of Thy heavenly glory, Most Holy Mother of God, as the sun danced like a ball of thread in Thy hands and they all cried: Alleluia!

Ikos 10

Who may worthily praise Thy virtues, Mother of God? Who may sufficiently sing of the Grace with which Thy Son and Lord has crowned Thee with? Thou art the Rose of Sharon, Thou art the Lily of the Field, and whosoever finds Thee, finds eternal life and so we sing:

Rejoice, Thou who carried in Thy Womb the creator of the universe!
Rejoice, for Thou didst bear within Thee the God whom the very heavens cannot enclose!
Rejoice, for Thou art all beautiful and there is no imperfection in Thee!
Rejoice, for the gifts bestowed upon Thee by the Holy Spirit outnumber the stars of heaven!
Rejoice, Thou who dost lead us to the joys of heaven!
Rejoice, Treasury of all God's graces!
Rejoice, our Intercessor with our God Who is Thy Son!
Rejoice, Conqueror of evil!
Rejoice, Refuge of sinners!
Rejoice, Mother of the homeless!
Rejoice, Happiness of all servants of the Lord!
Rejoice, our Advocate who brings us to the Kingdom of God!

Kontakion 11

Thou didst put off the shackles of godless oppression from the suffering people and land of Rus' and art enthroned there as her Queen and Sovereign once more, Most Holy Mother of God, fulfilling the prophecy of Thy servant, St Seraphim of Sarov. Thy people gather again in the Church of Thy Son and sing praise to Thee and Thy wonders, too numerous to recall, that Thou hast blessed Thy Miraculous Icons with. And we join them in singing: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

The Orthodox Catholic people of Rus' imitate St John the Theologian in taking Thee unto themselves as their Mother in Thy miraculous Icons, Most Holy Theotokos. Each icon recalls Thy motherly care for us and Thy final victory over godlessness and evil as we proclaim:

Rejoice, Theotokos, Joy of all Joys!
Rejoice, Theotokos of the Passion!
Rejoice, Theotokos of Kazan!
Rejoice, Theotokos of Czestochowa!
Rejoice, Theotokos of Pochaiv!
Rejoice, Theotokos, Joy of all who Sorrow!
Rejoice, Theotokos, Searcher of the Lost!
Rejoice, Theotokos, Softener of Evil Hearts!
Rejoice, Theotokos, Quick to Hear!
Rejoice, Theotokos the Unmoveable Wall!
Rejoice, Theotokos of the Kursk Root Sign!
Rejoice, Theotokos of Vladimir!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 12

Thou art our Mother still that never ceases to pray for us and to guide us, forming within us the fullness of Thy Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit. For what the Holy Spirit did at Thy Annunciation, He continues to do with a soul that truly honours Thee as its Sovereign Lady. Bowing before this Mystery of God's Benevolence and Love for mankind, we sing: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

Most Holy Theotokos, we Thy children and servants sing Thy praises, asking Thee to intercede for us and save us with Thy prayers. May the Holy Spirit overshadow us throughout our lives and transfigure us into the fullness of Thy Son and our Lord Jesus Christ until His coming again as Judge of All. And so we exclaim:

Rejoice, Masterpiece of the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, Lamp filled to overflowing with the Oil of His Grace!
Rejoice, Mountain densely wooded from whence the Messiah came forth!
Rejoice, Ark of the New Covenant!
Rejoice, Temple of the Holy Trinity!
Rejoice, Ladder of Divine Ascent!
Rejoice, Thou Bride Unwedded!
Rejoice, Throne of Christ our God!
Rejoice, Holy Chalice bearing the Wine of Gladness!
Rejoice, Table holding the Bread of Life!
Rejoice, for all creation rejoices in Thee!
Rejoice, for Thy womb contained God the Uncontainable!

Rejoice, O Theotokos of Fatima, our Unassailable Wall and Holy Protection of Thy people of Rus'!

Kontakion 13

O Most Holy Theotokos, we Thy servants beg Thee to accept this humble prayer of praise and thanksgiving for Thy motherly care and concern for us in Thy revelations and teachings at Fatima and through all Thy miraculous appearances, miracles and holy icons throughout the ages. Guide and protect us by Thy prayers as our Champion Leader and, after our repose, present us before the Throne of Thy Son and our Lord Jesus Christ and be Thou then for us the Good Advocate and Defender that Thou always art to us, now and in eternity and we shall never tire of singing: Alleluia! (Kontakion 13 is repeated three times. Then: Ikos I followed by Kontakion 1)

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

O Most Holy Sovereign Lady Theotokos! Higher art Thou than all the angels and archangels, and more honourable than all creation, a helper of the wronged art Thou, the hope of the hopeless, an intercessor for the poor, the consolation of the sorrowful, a nourisher of the hungry, a robe for the naked, healing for the sick, salvation of sinners, help and protection of all Christians. O all merciful Sovereign Lady Virgin Theotokos! Through Thy mercy save and have mercy on the most holy Orthodox Patriarchs, the most holy metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, and all the priestly and monastic orders, the military leaders, civic leaders, and Christ-loving armed forces, and well-wishers, and all Orthodox Christians do Thou defend by Thy precious omophorion and entreat, O Lady, Christ our God Who was incarnate of thee without seed, that He gird us with His power from on high against our enemies, visible and invisible. Grant, O Lady, peace and health to thy servants, all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten our minds, and the eyes of our hearts, unto salvation and vouchsafe unto us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of thy Son, Christ our God. For blessed and most glorified is His Dominion, together with His unoriginate Father, and His most Holy and Good and Life-creating Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Written by Alex Roman

The final prayer is taken from the prayer of the Akathist to the Annunciation.

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With thanks to the Administrator, his prayers and his many kindnesses to me, unworthy that I am.


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Why Alex, it's LOVELY! Thank you.


Originally posted by Orthodox Catholic:
Dear Friends,

I have written an Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos of Fatima.

I have been asked to make it available to any here who would wish it.


[ 05-07-2002: Message edited by: Orthodox Catholic ]

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Yes, Alex, it's absolutely wonderful! Многая лита, мой друг! I put it into my word processor, placed a Slavonic title on it, and printed it out to read as part of my daily prayers.


+Тимофей, рабъ Божій

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Dear Alex,

Your Akathist is beautiful!! I didn't even pray it, really, I just read it slowly and thought about it, and just doing that, I got so much out of it. I do have a few questions, though...I hope you can further enlighten a poor Indian. smile

1. In Kontakion and Ikos 2, besides Vladimir, Olha, Boris and Hlib, who are those people, and what is the icon you mention?

2. In Ikos 7, what's the deal with "the pine, the cedar, and the cypress"?

3. Who's Andrew the Scythian?

If I may call each Kontakion/Ikos combination a section, I particularly liked sections 6, 7, 10, and 12.

All in all, a wonderful composition. smile

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Dear Catholicos,

Thank you for your kindness!

The "Pine, Cedar and Cypress" are the three types of wood that the Byzantine liturgical tradition mentions as making up the entire Cross of Christ.

I have an icon of St Lot, the nephew of Abraham, watering a grove in which these three types of trees grew together and from which the wood for Christ's Cross was chosen.

This also is in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy in Isaiah (chapter 6 or 60?) where three trees are mentioned and were understood in this way by the Greek Fathers.

St Andrew the Scythian was in Constantinonple when it was attacked, praying for salvation with many others in the Church of the Blachernae where the Sash of the Mother of God was placed.

The Mother of God appeared above the people holding out her Mantle of Protection, but it was only Andrew who actually saw her and he pointed to her to make her presence known to the rest of the Church. He is portrayed on icons of the Protection pointing the Mother of God out.

Askold and Dir were two princes of Rus' who, while pagan, tried to attack Constantinople. The Patriarch brought out the Sash of the Mother of God mentioned above and simply placed it in the water of the bay. Soon a storm developed that destroyed most of the princes' fleet and they sued for peace. They became Christian and the Patriarch, St Photios, and at their request, sent Sts. Cyril and Methodius to Rus'. The great veneration of the Mantle of Protection of the Mother of God in Rus' dates back to Askold and Dir's time. St Olha had churches built over their graves, and they are local saints of Kyiv. Blessed Askold's Grave is a great national shrine.

St Yaroslav the Wise was a son of St Vladimir the Great and it was he who built the great cathedral of St Sophia in Kyiv where the miraculous Oranta icon can still be seen.

St Vladimir Monomakh was of the Monomachoi House of Byzantium and he married Gytha, the daughter of King Harold of England, who was killed at Hastings by William the Conqueror. Their son, St Mstislav Grand Prince/Tsar of Kyiv received his English grandfather's name in Baptism "Mstislav-Harold."

God bless,


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Dear Vicky and Timofey,

Thank you for your kindness!

I asked the Mother of God to use me in whatever way and I felt compelled to write this.

I am not saying I was inspired because I don't know that.

But the experience of writing it was a spiritual high point for me!

May the Mother of God of Fatima bless you always!


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Christos Voskryesye!

Dear Alex,

Excellent work! This is the only Akathist to the Bogoroditza Fatimsakya known to me.

Your use of the term Rus' implies that you take the word "Russia" as used by the Thetokos of Fatima to mean the lands of Rus' meaning Belarus, Carpatho-Rus', Ukraine, and Russia. I tend to agree with you.

I also attach significance to the the date of the Miracle of the Sun. It happened on October 13, 1917. The Churches of Rus' celebrate the Feast of the Protective Veil of the Theotokos on October 14. This means that the miracle happened on the eve of this feast. This feast is uniquely significant to Russians, Carpatho-Rusyns, and Ukrainians. In some parts of the Russian Empire churches were already celebrating vespers for this feast.

Presviataya Bogoroditza Fatimsakya, spasi nas.
RusOrthCath martyrs and confessors, pray for us.

Holy Russian Orthodox-Catholic martyrs and confessors, pray to God for us.
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Dear Paul,

Thank you for your kindness.

Please feel free to use the Akathist as you wish.

Also, please feel free to adapt it as you like, I tried to make it as religiously AND culturally ecumenical as possible.

A Ukrainian Catholic priest I know would like to put it to music, but will also rework some of it (or even all of it) and will add some Ukrainian saints' names.

I tried to write it from an Orthodox perspective and I pray that I achieved a little success in this regard on a subject that has sometims been wrapped in some ecumenical controversy.

God bless,


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after not having visited the forum in quite a while, this was a beautiful thing to come back to, Alex!
you certainly have a talent wink
may you be compelled to keep writing!
God bless and "hi!" to everyone smile

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Dear Kim,

Thank you very much - how have you been?

Has "you know who" been keeping you all to himself? smile

God bless!


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Dear Alex-

I'm doing well and I pray the same goes for you.
It will be another week until I see "you know who" again.
I've heard that as long as you put your entire faith and trust in God, that you never have anything to fear or worry. This truth becomes difficult to grasp as final exams near frown
Your Akathist however, brightened my day!
God bless to all,


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