Why does it take longer to read the 12 Gospels in the Orthodox Church than in the Byzcath Church? what are these antiphones and canons.
It's probably more accurate to reverse the question and ask why to EC parishes serve this Matins quicker than the Orthodox. The answer is simple - ECs cut things, as I mentioned above. I have also heard that in some places the first Gospel is truncated (and experienced this once myself).
If you have access to a copy of "The Lenten Triodion" by Mother Mary and Archimandrite (now Metropolitan) Kallistos Ware at the bottom of page 571 you'll find the beginning of the First Antiphon. In this service there are a 15 Antiphons in total, three after each of the first five Gospels.
Since this is a Matins service (even though it is often served in the evening) in contains a Canon. This is a Lenten Canon, and as such has only three Odes - but for some even this is too much.
At the moment I have access to only two version of this service as used be ECs: A Ukr-Eng one prepared by (then) 'Msgr' Stephen Sulyk {hereafter referred to as
S} and the version provided in the Basilian's Ukrainian 'Breviary' {hereafter referred to as
B} - both of these being UGCC publications.
Here are some of the short cuts in these two services. You may well find these, or variations of them, in other EC books:
* only one of the Six Psalms is chanted (S, B)
* Antiphon 1 shortened (S, B)
* Antiphon 2 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 3 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 4 shortened (S, B)
* Antiphon 5 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 6 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 7 shortened (S, B)
* Antiphon 8 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 9 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 10 shortened (S, B)
* Antiphon 11 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 12 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 13 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 14 shortened (B); cut (S)
* Antiphon 15 shortened (S, B)
* Beatitudes verses shortened (B); cut (S)
* Canon shortened (S, B)
* Lauds verses not repeated (S, B)
* Aposticha shortened (S)
Some will say that doing everything is "too much", or "they only do that in monasteries". The Orthodox around the corner or down the road can manage, but EC clergy seem to think their 'people' can't cope. Maybe it's just the clergy who can't cope? Or maybe it's because certain 'other' Catholics don't have 3-hour services, so why should ECs?
I'll stop now before I'm branded 'uncharitable'.