This article should be enough to make anybody nervous about this group.
Dn. Robert Way of the Neocatechumenals Is Still Rocky
Vatican approval for its new statutes is on the way � but not for the catechisms of the founders. And differences over the liturgical rites persist. Relations are also mixed with the Greek Melkite Church, and with the patriarchate of Moscow
by Sandro Magister
ROMA, June 14, 2007 � At the beginning of Lent this year, speaking with the priests of his Rome diocese, Benedict XVI said in regard to the Neocatechumenal Way:
�It is being considered whether, after five years of experimentation, the statutes for the Neocatechumenal Way should be confirmed in a definitive manner, or if more time for experimentation is needed, or if perhaps some elements of this structure should be modified.�
Now it appears that the pope has resolved his doubts. On Saturday, May 26, he received in audience the founder of the Way, Francisco �Kiko� Arg�ello, who was accompanied by co-foundress Carmen Hern�ndez and by the priest Mario Pezzi, and assured them � according to a statement Kiko made two days later to the Spanish daily �La Raz�n� � that the definitive approval of the statutes is near at hand.
Authorized by the Holy See in 2002 �ad experimentum� for a period of five years, the current statutes of the Way expire on June 29. It will be interesting to see what variations will be contained in the new statutes as compared with the earlier, experimental ones.
The Neocatechumenal Way, founded in Spain in the 1960�s, is one of the most vigorously flourishing Catholic movements. With 20,000 communities in 6,000 parishes in 900 dioceses on all the continents, with 3,000 priests and 5,000 religious. It has an international network of 63 �Redemptoris Mater� seminaries.
Again according to Kiko�s statements to �La Raz�n,� Benedict XVI extended his compliments for the missionary activity that the Way carries out in all the continents, and particularly in Asia.
Nevertheless, the Way is also the object of reservations and criticisms on the part of the Church hierarchy.
The anthologies of the catecheses that have been delivered to the members of the Neocatechumenal communities have for many years been under examination by the Vatican authorities, but their definitive approval still seems a long way off.
These texts, contained in multiple volumes under the title �Cammino Neocatecumenale. Orientamenti alle �quipes dei catechisti [The Neocatechumenal Way: Guidelines for the Teams of Catechists],� collect the oral tradition of the movement�s initiators, and in particular of Kiko and Carmen Hern�ndez. They are not public, and the Vatican congregation for the doctrine of the faith has made their approval dependant upon a lengthy series of corrections.
There are other reservations about the ways in which the liturgy is celebrated in the Way.
On December 1, 2005, cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the congregation for divine worship and the discipline of the sacraments, addressed to the heads of the Way a letter requesting six corrections.
The most important correction concerned the manner of receiving Eucharistic communion: not seated around �a cloth-covered table placed at the center of the church ,� but either standing or kneeling after a procession to the altar, as prescribed for all the faithful by the liturgical books.
Arinze gave two years for adoption of the correct way of receiving communion. And on January 12, 2006, at an audience with thousands of Neocatechumenals, Benedict XVI insisted that they obey.
But as of today, in many Neocatechumenal communities all over the world, communion is still received as before, seated.
Confirmation of this disobedience comes from the frequent reminders that the bishops address to the Neocatechumenal communities present in their dioceses.
In Italy, the latest reminder of this kind was issued by the bishop of Avellino, Francesco Marino. The document bears the date of March 26, 2007, and attached to it is the letter from cardinal Arinze dated December 1, 2005.
Last February 25, in a collective letter to the members of the Way, the Latin patriarchate of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, and the other Catholic bishops of the Holy Land also reproved the Neocatechumenal communities for making themselves a group apart, for celebrating the Mass separately from the parishes, for not observing the liturgical rites, for ignoring the language and culture of the local people.
On the other hand, the Neocatechumenals have a strong presence in the Holy Land, which the region�s bishops would like to channel and capitalize upon.
Proof of this is the letter that the Melkite Greek Catholic archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth, and all Galilee, Elias Chacour, addressed March 30, 2007, to Fr. Rino Rossi, director of �Domus Galilaeae,� the edifice on the Mount of the Beatitudes, inaugurated by John Paul II in 2000, that is the general headquarters of the Neocatechumenals in the Holy Land.
Archbishop Chacour proposed to the Neocatechumenal Way, already active �with excellent results� in various parishes of his diocese, that they �graft one of their branches onto our Church and adopt the Melkite Catholic rite.�
But the prospects for this union remain to be seen. In October of 2006, Kiko, Carmen Hern�ndez, and Fr. Mario Pezzi, on a visit to Moscow, made a proposal in the opposite direction to the Russian Orthodox Church: they proposed teaching the Orthodox priests the system of evangelization used in the Neocatechumenal communities, and then �equipping� some of them to doing the same.
A dispatch from the news agency Zenit on October 22 presented as already in effect �the agreement� between the Way and the patriarchate of Moscow.
But it wasn�t that way. The patriarchate of Moscow was afraid that the Neocatechumenals wanted to proselytize among the Orthodox priests, and denied the existence of any sort of agreement with the Way, which it described as �a very contradictory organization.�
There was nothing left for Kiko to do but release a statement of apology.