Glory to Jesus Christ!

The Metropolitan Cantor Institute of the Archeparchy of Pittsburgh has published "The Order of Daily Vespers with the Weekday Octoechos and the Common Stichera for Classes of Saints." This thick volume (345 pages) gives the ordinary of Daily (as opposed to Great) Vespers, with all of the special adaptations needed in the Lesser Fasts. The weekday propers in all eight tones are given, and the propers for "commons" of saints (one apostle, two or more apostles, etc...)

The book also contains the "dismissal Theotokia" in all eight tones, which are sung with the Troparion at the end of the service. Finally, this volume also contains the "Prayers of Light," which means a priest can celebrate from this book and have everything necessary to preside within it.

The only necessary texts for daily Vespers NOT contained in the book are the Troparia. These are to be taken from monthly Menaion (also available from the MCI) or from "The Divine Liturgies of our holy fathers John Chrysostom and Basil the Great" (available from Byzantine Seminary Press).

The MCI website is []

The cost of the book is $20, with $4 postage/handling. Make checks to Metropolitan Cantor Institute and mail to

Prof. J. Michael Thompson
Byzantine Catholic Seminary
3605 Perrysville Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15214