I've seen Orthodox faithful and clergy, look at all that activity, never reading word one, shrug their shoulders, toss off the whole thing as "wiggle words" and continue on spreading confusion of their own making.
I am not impressed in the least with that kind of behavior, particularly when I see it in priests and bishops.
Dear Mary,
They do so because they do not want unity. So when you try to discuss things, your discussions tend to be with other Catholics, the Orthodox really don't care. ..or so I have noticed.
I am the exception, thank you.

God Bless,

That is true enough to be humorous.
You know I actually have drawn together a kind of small community of Orthodox and Catholics on the net and over time there have been any number of hot topics discussed and some progress made in opening ears and hearts on both sides. So that experience feeds into what I do here. But what I am missing here is the experiential base where I can point and say "Look here." We've done this before and there's no fault and no insult and no judgment intended....only a search for the reality of a thing, for the truth. That makes a difference in keeping tempers from flaring.
The Orthodox on the list are hardly rabid ecumenists, and still there are small clarifications made and progress in understanding.
So I do deeply appreciate what you say here, and also your good heart and experience. It cannot be easy to take the position you do and hold it to be true and earnest. For that, as a Catholic, I am deeply grateful!!
fondly, in Christ