All the corrections, re-wordings and re-evaluations are supposed to happen on the Roman side.
Obviously, such demands will have to cease.
The prime sin of the hierarchy of both �sides� (yes, I call it sin) is their stance of exclusiveness to the exclusion of other churches. Again, I say, the laity did not cause the split - hierarchy did. While both speak of charity and fidelity to Christ - both - have failed in that - and failed in fact where is should have been the easiest! Church unity. Freindship with others who claim friendship with Christ!
(talk about repentance being needed!!)
Both have forgotten �No one was ever saved by the law.� (Paul) and no one ever will be. When the law is placed above charity - what Jesus said to the scribes (experts in the law) comes into play ...
�Experts in the law (scriptures) that you are ... you do not enter in (into the living spisirt of the scriptures) - and in doing that you prevent others from entering - because YOU were commissioned to be thier guide. You are the blind and you make others blind and lead them into a pit of drakness.� (paraphrased)
A massive human failure in charity - if you ask me.
Should I not say this? Should I ignore the obvious out of some misplaced feelings of false humility or some need to ignore the fact that heairchy is also human and in need of personal sanctification? Might I offend them? No .. they have offended themselves. Thank God they are all dead (those who initiated the seperation). Now we must repair the damage they did.
Charity means friendship. Simple human friendship. Children know how to do it.
We can not love God directly because we can not see or hear, touch or even know God directly. Therefore proof of our love for God is found in our love (friendship) for each other.
I think God did this - in a smart way. Imagine if we COULD love him directly - and thereby ignore other humans. By passing them so to speak. But instead .. God forces us to love Him within other humans - thereby tricking us into being like himself. He WANTS us to love him - through the means to loving other humans. Oh he is a tricky one for sure. He knows we would take the short cut if we could.
Friendship does not make demands upon the other - it does not set condition that must be followed as a criteria. Friendship (charity) depends entirely upon the being of the person giving it - it is not contingent upon the person receiving it.
If friendship fails - it is not the target of friendship that has faulted - it is the source.
Let me put it this way.
If I say to my wife �Cathy, I love you because you have nice hair, you are polite, you say the things I want to hear, and you are easy to get along with.� - IS THAT LOVE?
NO. It is not. Love is not contingent upon the receiver. It is contingent upon the ability of the giver.
Jesus himself said that �If you love those who love you - what good is that? Do not your enemies do the same?� (paraphrased).
Love � friendship � charity (keep in mind that the definition of charity is the exercise of our love for God - whom we can not love directly - completed by being aimed at the same target that God loves - other humans.
Look at it this way�.
�Let us make man in our image� does not mean two arms, two legs, flesh, two eyes� no .. God has none of these and we can have no image of God. And so the likeness that God wishes to create in us - is a likeness of will. We are to do the same thing that God does.
Q: And what is that? What does God do?
A: God brings people to himself.
Q: How does God do that?
A: Through his providence of - love.
God - LOVES - us humans. And if we are to be like God - THAT is the likeness he wants to find within us. He wants us to do as he does - love other humans.
To this end he gave us conscience � and an innate ability to know what love is. It is there within conscience. It is not rules to follow - nor is it theology - it is moment by moment checking conscience.
What did Jesus ask Peter three times? �Do you love me Peter? (in a sacrificial way) and what answer did Jesus not accept - �in a sacrificial way�. What answer was he looking for? Peter finally gave it �Lord - you know I had wanted to love you in a divine and sacrificial way - I tried SO HARD! But I failed. I failed miserably. No Lord - all I was ever capable of doing was loving you in a human way of friendship.�
Doesn�t it seem so odd - that the entire being of the world depends upon simple human love? And not upon semantics of words - and philosophical formula - and defiantly out is love produced by contingency of demands made upon the other person.
Would not it be simpler - is we could - read a book of rules and follow them to the letter? Would not it be simpler if we could just learn a set of theology and repeat it verbatim? Would it not seem better and more ;sure� if we could graduate from something - somewhere - and have a certificate �This person has passed all requirements and is presented with an irrevocable ticket into heaven.�
It wouldn�t.
Perhaps God - made a mistake? Perhaps God did it wrong. It seems so silly and so un-intelligent - to make heaven and all of creation dependent upon something so human as - friendship.
Yet - he (Jesus) said there are only two types of people in the world. A servant (who does the masters will but it mechanical and follows rules and commands) and friends. �I tell you that you are friends� - friends of God - because friends are of similar mind and heart and get to talk things over together. Not so with the servants. We are either servants (that means we do God�s will but we do not know it nor have a part in it) or we are friends of God.
And so in the very least - each church must cease accusations on the other - and cease demands upon the others. There are NO conditions that must be fulfilled and make our charity contingent upon anything else other than our own personal will and ability to give - friendship.
The hierarchy of the churches have failed at this - where it had counted the most - each other.
No justification is valid. God sees through them all as empty.
Friendship. The hierarchy of the churches should know how to do that. Yes?? Is that not the constant drum beat they give US? Charity � charity � charity? Love of God through loving others.
Yes - it is. Most definitely it is.
They should try it. Real action and not just words.
Jesus will not accept the excusue "Oh... I did not love others simply because - they were not lovable. IF they HAD been lovable - I would have loved them! And so you see dear Lord - it is not my fault. So few of them were worth and object of my love. Too bad they could not change so that I COULD love them."
Peace to you and to your church.