Dear friends in the Saviour,
After over ten years of spiritual wandering, including the grave sin of apostasy, the Savior has called me back home to the Church. I beg for your prayers, both for me, and for my wife and children. I am determined to return to my Father's house, despite my many sins and iniquities. My wife and I are going to have our marriage blessed by the Church, and I am going to make a profession of faith, and return to confession and (God willing) holy communion.
Pray for me, a sinner.
"Like the Prodigal Son, I have squandered my paternal inheritance, and am now in desolation!
I dwelt in the land of evil men,
In my folly, I became like the unreasoning beast,
Stripped of all divine grace!"
From the liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts