...You know, the thread is "Common Word and Definitions" and it has been mostly kept to Church terms. Why not start one pertaining to things like this? People might find it interesting. Any takers? We can have some differences (pirohi or pierogie) but that's easy to deal with. Correct spellings can still be given, despite the differences I just pointed out.
I think most are familiar with "dupa"--back end...
Hey, Tim!
I'll bite on your suggestion...
As a youngster, I grew up in an extended-family household where many relatives lived and many languages were spoken. Dad was Rusyn; Mom's Croatian. Here are a few of the words I recall from many, many years ago, spelled phonetically as best I recall (not sure which are from my Rusyn side and which are Croatian):
dupa - **as previously defined**
dupiosh (DU-pie-osch) - one who acts like a dupa
...as in "Did you see that dupiosh pull right out in front of me?!?"
gubatsz (GOO-botts) - mouth
... as in "Shut your gubatsz, child!"
gotchies (GA-cheese) - underwear
...Yeah, Tim, I wore gotchies, too!
popek (PO-pek) - belly-button
...haven't got a clue why I remember this one!
somad (SO-mahd or so-MAHD-e) - jackass
pivo (PEE-vo) - beer
ocaladi (o-kah-LAH-dee) - eyeglasses
stremfli (STREM-flee) - socks
fica (FY-ka) - smoking pipe
Staretz (sta-EETS) - name we referred to a very old, bachelor uncle of my Mom's by (whom I feared greatly!)... his given name was Joseph but we all called him "Uncle Staretz"
svenja (SCHVEEN-ya) - pig
shunka (SCHOON-ka) - pig again, only this time dead and laying on the table in the form of ham
krava (KDA-va) - cow
bundudiki (bun-DOO-di-kee) - potato
...my wife and kids still use this one!
soprodnica (so-prod-NEETS-ah) - a witchy woman who allegedly possessed an "evil eye"... the whole neighborhood feared our local soprodnica (guess every neighborhood had one!)
virchina (VUR-chee-nah) - chamber pot
...yes, my childhood does, in fact, pre-date indoor plumbing!
Anybody else??
Al (a pilgrim)