An Orthodox priest told me once that they do venerate the saints of the west, but only pre-schism. Why not ones post-schism? What about saints of the Eastern Catholic Church?
Some Orthodox venerate post schism Western saints. Most do not however, for the same reason why most Roman Catholics don't venerate post schism Eastern Orthodox saints - they view each other as schismatics. Many Eastern Catholics venerate post-schism Orthodox saints though, the Russian Catholic Chuch has a huge amount on their calendar. I personally venerate a few such as St. Nil Sorsky and an Icon of a miracle of the Theotokos that took place on Mt. Athos in the 1630s called "she who is quick to hear".
As far as Ukraine is concerned Eastern Orthodox don't venerate Eastern Catholic saints because they think we are schismatics and some of our Ukrainian Catholic saints were martyred by the Eastern Orthodox (likewise Catholics murdered and therefore causeed the martyrdom of a few Eastern Orthodox saints).
What's the process for the Eastern Churches in communion with Rome to canonize a saint? Can anyone tell me about any canonizations of saints the east since communion was re-established (who)? Has the process always been the same, or has it changed over time?
Canonization for us is the same as the Roman Church, I believe this has been the case since we re-entered communion with Rome. A couple famous post-Brest Ukrainian Catholic saints include:
Saint Josaphat Kuncevyc
Blessed Fr. Emilian Kovc, martyred by the nazis
Blessed hieromartyr Clement Sheptytsky , martyred by Soviets
There are a heck of a lot more btw, mostly martyrs. Josyf Slipyj is supposed to be canonized but the Polish Catholic hierarchy asked that it be delayed for some reason, disgraceful since I am an ethnic Pole