Well people �
Wow. I am tickled pink that you guys gave this a shot. How will I find holes in my thoughts unless good people point them out to me. My posts are not easy to read. But I learn more from people who disagree with me than I do from people who agree with me � so I welcome the debate.
Let me sum up my tentative position because it seems to met hat I have failed to be clear - if some suspect I am falling into these �isms� that have been mentioned.
I am saying that - as regards infallible statements and definitions - in as much as they are words and language (of the senses) and mere pointers to a mental meaning (a mental experience which the signs represent) it is impossible to assign to them an attribute of infallibility. It is only possible to assign an attribute of infallibility to the mental meaning (that the words are intended to convey). Yet we do assign to the words an 'infalibility' in a casual, imprecisie, functional way because of the intended meaning.
This is especially true since the precise meaning of words is a cultural thing that does shift with time and current usage. A prime example of this would be the East / West disagreement on the creed which (according to my study) quite possibly came to be when the Eastern bishops (native Greek speakers) and the Western bishops (speaking the form of Greek current at the time within Rome Italy) - had agreed upon precise Greek wording for the creed - - - but down the road came along a further development of one Greek word. The Eastern bishops (natural Greek speakers) quite naturally began to use the adjusted definition of the word in question � while the Roman bishops (speaking the form of Greek current to Italy) continued to use the original meaning of the word. Thus making it seem to the Eastern bishops (using the newer adjusted definition of the word) that the Latin church had changed the creed. {Believe me - I do not want to enter into that debate].
Yet further - the meaning that words point to - do depend upon current cultural use (at the cultural level) and finally the meaning anyone may get from words depends upon personal use and experience. (For example: my son�s girl friend uses the word �wicked� to indicate something that is awesomely good - while the traditional meaning of �wicked� would mean evil and bad.)
If a written or spoken statement, by itself, could be infallible - than the premise of �sola scriptorium� can be true - and scriptures (containing the words of Jesus and the apostles) can be infallible (as some Protestants take it to be infallible). It would also be true that any meaning one might get from any portion of scriptures - would be infallible- regardless of the author�s intended meaning.
Summation: words spoken or written can not, in themselves, be infallible. They do not contain the truth they point to. The truth that
can be infallible is restricted to a mental meaning.
(I will give an example from RC Cannons that reflect recognition of this first point.)
And so ... therefore �
Since infallibility can only be an attribute of the meaning (a mental experience).
� AND �
There is no guarantee to any particular reader/listener that he will receive the intended mental experience (no divine guarantee that he will fully understand the intended meaning of the statement) .
� AND �
Since a teaching necessarily implies its reception (to put this into football terms - �the pass must be completed�). I will continue to use the football phrase.
An Infallible statement or teaching � are only infallible in a relative way.
Q; What is meant by �in a relative way?�
A: Only if - �the pass is completed�.
Only if the intended meaning of the statement is (a mental experience) is indeed infallible - AND - only if the receiver of the statement (the man listening or reading) has (by way of the statement) that same mental experience.
OK.. Now� such deep though hurts my head. NOW - let us leave such deep thought and actually look at reality (the way things are) with both feet on the ground. And what we shall see is that reality itself - confirms our conclusion. We will use three examples drawn from practical reality.
1) In a practical way � in a relationship between �the Pope of Rome and his own Latin church � a Papal statement can be said to be infallible (in a practical way) because the intended meaning is intended for the reading/listening of his own church. We assume the �pass� will be completed.
We find this situation to exist in the everyday world.
2) In a precise way � in a relationship between the Pope of Rome and the Orthodox church � an infallible statement by the Pope is rejected. The �pass is incomplete�. In THIS relationship (Rome/Orthodoxy) the statement is
not infallible. The intended meaning and the received meaning is not the same.
We find this situation to exist in the everyday world. The Orthodox are not bound in some mysterious and divine way - to Papal infallibility. They can - and do - reject it as having nothing to do with them. And they are no worse off for rejecting it.
3) In a precise way � in a relationship between the Pope of Rome and any individual member of his own Latin church � some will understand that statement in the same meaning as it was intended (the pass is completed) � and some will not understand it and some will misunderstand it (the pass is incomplete). For those who DO understand it according to its intended meaning - it
is infallible. For those who do not understand it according to its intended meaning - it is
not infallible.
And now lastly I want to back this all up with something from the Roman Catholic Cannons. It is the laws regarding the handling of possible cases of heresy. I shall do them from memory and in summation.
Only a member of the church - can be heretical. Non-members can not be declared heretical. For example: a Buddhist who might teach that �God is a quadruplet� can not be heretical. The Buddhist is not a member of the church. The Buddhist has not received nor understood the teachings of the church. The Buddhist may be in error - but may not be declared heretical.
Only a member of the church who is teaching � error � may be declared heretic and his statements heretical. The key word is - teaching. Not just holding, having, or saying �
teaching. An example would be a priest (having teaching authority) who is teaching that Jesus did not have a human body but the appearance of his body was an illusion.
The Cannon steps toward a declaration of heretic or heretical - are these�
Upon suspicions - the person must first be questioned by local authority as to the meaning of his statements. If the person is found to have misunderstood, or to lack knowledge of the position of the church, or to have been incorrectly taught � he is to be catechumed. (sp?) and that may be the end of things.
The next step is that the person is to be examined by the local bishop (perhaps a bishop appointed local council). He is to be questioned as to the precise meaning of his statements. If the MEANING of his statements are determined to be suspicious of being GAVE ERROR THAT WILL CAUSE PUBLIC HARM TO THE CHURCH - he is to be offered re-education - and he is asked to cease teaching his statements. Every effort must be expended by the church that he come to understand the churches position on the item. Such things as the mental capability of the person must be taken into account.
If the person is deemed to be capable of understanding the teaching of the church (on the subject) and refuses the teaching - and refuses to cease teaching the erroneous statements - thing elevate to the third and last level.
At the last level - the Vatican investigates and must question the person as to the exact meaning of his statements. The person must be examined by a council (more than one). If it is found that the person does understand the teaching of the church (on the subject) and the meaning of his own statements of teaching are may cause grace harm to the church - he must be offered re-education. At the same time the council must issue an official �cease and desist� order. If the person does �cease and desist� everything ends there and the person is not a heretic. However - if the person does not cease and desist AND is knowingly teaching error (he knows the truth and the proper teaching) at that point the Pope may sign-off on a declaration of heretic and the teachings of that person to be heretical.
If the person does cease and desist teaching his erroneous statements (upon reception of an official notification order) he can not be declared a heretic and his statements (the ones in error) are not declared heretical - just erroneous.
Two points need to be highlighted here.
1) The every effort must be expended to understand the intended meaning - of the suspect statements. In this regard
it is proof that the church recognizes a difference between the words and language used and the intended mental meaning of the statement. Error depends upon the mental meaning and not upon the words themselves.
2) Any declaration of error - depends entirely upon the mental meaning of the statement. Any declaration of heretic and heretical depends entirely upon the refusal of the person to cease (after being official ordered to cease).
SIDE NOTE: In practice, on a rare occasion (Origen and Eckhart to name two) a statement has been declared heretical regardless of the intended meaning of the author. The author is not declared heretical - just the statement is declared heretical. In these rare cases it has been judged that someone else (not the author) has been using a particular understanding that one may have from the statement - and teaching that with some popularity - to the great harm of the church. This is a questionable use of Cannon law as there is no basis for such a declaration within Cannon law.
Perhaps I made a mistake in using the terms �subjective and objective�. Perhaps I did not use them according to convention.
Certainly, being a Catholic, I have witnesses the needless troubles that surround semantics when an Orthodoxy person insists a meaning for a Roman Catholic doctrine - which is not the same meaning that a Catholic has of the same doctrine. (my apologies to my Orthodox friends - I promise I will air some RC faults real soon J. ) Two sides both insisting dissimilar meanings for the one same statement. Certainly it is the intended mental meaning within a Roman Catholic context � which should be recognized as the intended meaning of that doctrine. But at the same time we must admit and recognize the reality that, in a relationship of an Orthodox reading a Catholic doctrine, the mental meaning that they have of it - is relative to Eastern theology and the Eastern experience. In other words - not in the same context from which the statement was forged. The �pass is not completed�. The doctrine (as understood by an Orthodox) is as wrong as they say it is. What they (an Orthodox) gains from it - maybe (and probably is) mixed with error. (this does not address the possibility that any particular RC doctrine may actually contain error). The Orthodox person is right - the meaning that he has from it is � error.
IF we are to get anywhere in drawing closer (Orthodox to Catholic) we MUST recognize the reality of the relative nature of the human condition.
IF we are to get anywhere we must recognize �pass completed� and �incomplete pass�.
IF we are to get anywhere together we must recognize that an infallible declaration is NOT infallible for everyone. The pass must be completed. The statement or declaration is not �infallible� (words and language) - only the intended meaning (which is a mental experience) may be infallible - and that only when received.
It seems to me that the Orthodox are essentially - right - in regards to the role of Peter in the early church. Peter was a visible sign of a unity which existed within and between � a confederation of churches. A judicial role only in the sense of �one place� and �one mouth� where to obtain the �mind of Christ� which in fact existed diffused throughout the churches of the confederation.
There is no doubt that Peter had full judicial office over his own church (as any other Patriarch has) and he can claim that as his own. But any judicial role he had over the entire Church )the confederation) was lent to him voluntarily - by his other equals. And his equals (other churches) suffer no ill consequences if they withdraw what was lent.
The divine nature of the church can not be damaged by man. The divine nature of the church is not damaged if there is no voluntary cooperation with Peter. But the human nature of the church can improve or lack - due to human management. Humanly - it would be better if Peter was again - a sign of unity - but nothing is lacking to the divine nature and workings of any church - if he is not.
These are my current opinions (not a teaching

) and they are tentative. I await to see if someone can shot a huge hole into it. Ha! I await to see if anyone understands my jumbled mind

Alex ... your comments? I look forward to them.
Peace to all churches.