[ . . .] However, at that time I don't think there was the corruption that we can find among the clergy nowadays (all kinds of corruption) and the total abandonment of the faith (at that time there was heresy but today people have totaly abandoned the faith).
The Cult of Man and its passions has become the official religion of our times in many ways.
Now regarding the individualist ideology as particularly American I would say it's not American but part of the Revolution, the subversion that started with the French Revolution whoch also inspired the Independence of the USA and other countries, the masonic ideals are finaly a reality today.
I am so tired of this kind of drivel and nonsense.
In many, many ways, the modern era is much better than the past . . . especially for women and anyone who isn't a white, european aristocrat. Human life is much better in many places because of democracy, individual liberty, the rule law, science and technology. And all of that required the European intellectual revolution called the Enlightenment that also produced the two revolutions that were mentioned.
As for people in this era "totally abandoning the faith," the facts disprove that statement. There are currently 2,000,000,000 Christians in the world today. That is 1/3 of humanity. One half of them are Catholic, all over the world. Conversions are up. Vocations in conservative Catholic orders and dioceses are up.
Ratzinger is pope. No, I don't think Catholicism nor Christianity overall are in danger. "The great apostacy" is time-wasting inquiry.
-- John