This topic is going WAY off subject!
The matter here is not IF homosexual sex is a mortal sin. It IS, according to the Orthodox AND Catholic churches,just as many other sexual sins are. There is NO debate here.
The topic here is about certain DESPICABLE art and actions of a certain group that are becoming all too common, all too 'in your face', and all too pathetic. ANY public actions DEFILING the sanctity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by any other group would be just as despicable. PERIOD!!!!
The topic here is about just how far are people, politicians, lay people, the media, etc. going to go in turning their eyes away from these actions against CHRIST and his followers!
The topic here is about just how long are good and decent people going to allow ANY group of pathologically immaturely behaved and rebellious hearted people (I am deliberately not calling them 'sinners' because we are all sinners) to get away with BLASPHEMY against our Lord, against our children's eyes, against our common sense of decency in the name of 'open mindedness', 'fairness', 'charity', and yes..that dreaded term: 'political correctness'.
I am AGHAST that every Christian, practicing or not, liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, friend of the gay community or not, is not SCANDALIZED. Personally, I think enough is enough. I am tired of public ugliness against our sensibilities, and public defamation about our Church and our Lord, by certain groups.
This is not about politics nor is this about fairness because despicable blasphemy is definitely not fair to our pure, sinless, Lord and Saviour that came to redeem us of our sins.
With this, I am going to close this thread.
Alice, Moderator